4 easy steps to achieving a healthy and long lifespan.

In this video, Dr Chimaobi Ozurigbo briefly gives a summary to Coral Club’s four steps to health practice in ensuring a healthy lifestyle and a long lifespan.

First, we must drink the right quantity and quality of water. For quantity we must drink water where by for every 1kg of body weight we must drink 30 ml of water. For quality we must drink water containing the following properties which are;

  • Clarity
  • Negatively-charged
  • Weakly alkaline

Second, we must routinely detox our system by cleaning our colon. This is a period of time that we condition our diet into healthy food recipes that allow for an ease in bowel movements and revitalization of our system while also observing a period of fasting with only water and dietary fibre consumption. This process will help to eliminate accumulated toxins from our body.

Thirdly, we must feed our body with the right nutrients through supplementation especially from the age of 30 and above. This is very important as humans begin to naturally age due to the inactiveness of vital amino acids responsible for our active performance for day-to-day activities.

Fourth and Lastly, we must prevent the hazards of our own inventions by observing the Water, Technology and Food model (WTF) which ensures that:

  • Drinking Water must be stored in the right medium such as flasks, glasses or BPA-free bottles to avoid contamination.
  • Technology must be used safely by introducing EMR defence devices to protect our body from EMR exposure.
  • Food must be produced in the most natural means as possible such as using organic fertilizer to cultivate our food than inorganic fertilizer containing chemicals that are not health-friendly.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

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