Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on the Red Blood Cells

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) has been known to be one of the slowest killers in the 21st century due to the overwhelming increase in the use of technological devices all over the world. Contrary to what producers say, many specialists believe that electromagnetic waves produced by mobile phones can cause severe diseases. “We cannot exclude that after some decades of often daily use, a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects maybe already in their middle age” – Dr. Leif Salford, neurobiologist

Now because our human body consist of tiny electrical currents due to chemical reactions for normal bodily functions such as the pumping of blood to/from the heart and nerves relaying signals by transmitting electric impulses, when EMR waves are exposed to the human body, red blood cells agglutinate as an indication of the presence of an anti-body or complement which in turn causes hypo-oxygenation. Unfortunately our human body does not have a sensory organ that perceives the EM field, but this does not reduce the degree of its effect on our body. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a member of the World Health Organisation (WHO), EM radiation is one of the potential sources of oncologic diseases especially dangerous for those who have to use radiating devices every day – computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets etc.

But Great News is that the Neitronik MG-03 and MG-04 sticker, a highly powerful and effective defense against EMR waves, is one of the most innovative products of our modern technological age that prevents against external hazards of the environment when used on tech gadgets. They are EMF-free device that help to remove the EM load from the body and prevents the long-term effect of direct exposure to EM emitting devices. The effectiveness of the Neitronik device has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous tests (as shown in the video above) and awarded numerously as the best invention against EMR exposure.

Be Protected. Be Smart. Be Coral !!!


  • Tracy Posted January 11, 2019 1:21 pm

    This is no 4 body protection under our 4th steps to health Oh yeah to avoid radiation u have to crab your own neitronik stickers in other to avoid damaging our body cells remember health is wealth. Your devices are killing u slowly protect yourself today with netronik sticker

  • Emmanuel Posted January 11, 2019 7:30 pm

    Producers of smart phone recommds the use of it for six hours a day. There must be a reason for the restriction possibly to avoid excessive use that harm us because of EMR that harm our cells. Since I started using Coral Neitronik there has high reduction of amount of heat on my phone. I believe this reduction is also saving my brain from long time effect.. Knowledge is power and ignorance is a disease. Thanks to Coral Club for this innovation.

    • Timothy Khana Posted January 15, 2019 8:59 am

      Thank you very much for this. Indeed our product has proven problem solver in the modern tech-age.

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