Why do we need a body cleanse?

The lifestyle accepted in society today comes with its caveats: we rarely consume environmentally pure foods, we drink low-quality water and we breathe polluted air. With them come stress, anxiety and sedentary habits. The food we eat contains antibiotics, hormones, GMOs and other chemicals used for stimulating faster growth in plants and accelerated weight gain in animals. Over forty thousand different chemicals continuously accumulate in our atmosphere. The high levels of chlorine – one of the most potent carcinogens known – in our drinking water double the risk of developing arteriosclerosis, heart and liver disease and lead to premature aging.

An American Medical Association study conducted at the University of Toronto by a team lead by Bruce Pomeranz revealed nearly two million cases of severe complications as a result of the toxic side effects of medications taken under strict doctors’ orders. These factors lead to the gradual accumulation in the body of slag and toxins that lead directly to acute health problems. These factors lead to the gradual accumulation in the body of slag and toxins that lead directly to acute health problems. The conditions arising as a result are perfect for the rapid multiplication of disease- causing viruses and bacteria, preventing reductive-oxidative reactions from occurring normally, impeding the absorption of vitamins and minerals and reducing the function of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems and slowing down metabolic processes, all of which are starting points for the development of serious illness.

Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus is an effective complex program that cleanses the body and restores a healthy internal environment without disturbing your daily routine and without causing discomfort. The Colo-Vada Plus helps to

  • improve the functioning of the digestive, respiratory and lymphatic systems
  • increase energy, clearer focus and greater vitality
  • improve skin condition

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!!

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