#ThrowbackThursday: Introduction of Coral Health Innovative Model by Dr. Chima to the management of the Federal Ministry of Health

On the 5th of June 2018, Coral Nigeria was given audience at the Federal Ministry of Health to introduce their innovative health approach towards the Nigerian healthcare system. Dr. Chimaobi Ozurigbo (founder of Coral Nigeria), accompanied by some CORAL Health advocates – Rev. Emmanuel Nwitakpugi, Mr. Isaiah Omeke and Mr. Simon Victor, anchored this presentation before the management of the ministry to encourage the inclusion of integrative cellular medicine in the healthcare delivery system.

In response to the wonderful presentation at the ministry, the Head of Department, Hospital Services made a recommendation on behalf of the Honorable Minister to all the Chief Medical Directors nationwide to embrace the coral health innovative approach of cellular medicine as a complementary effort towards improving better outcomes in the federal tertiary hospitals.

Below is the letter of recommendation by the Federal Ministry of Health.

Recommendation by the Federal Ministry of Health

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

1 Comment

  • Emmanuel Nwitakpugi Posted January 24, 2019 11:49 am

    This innovative health care conference was tagged by the audience as the best presentation for year 2018 due to the pratical analysis and demonstration in the hall. Coral health innovation is still the best to beat in cell mineralization and body distoxification.

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