Assimilator – Digestion Support & Lymphatic Detox

Today Mr. Nwikhana Timothy, Abuja Facility Supervisor and Coral Health Advocate, speaks on the exceptional performance of the Assimilator product by Coral Club.

When the amount of energy needed to break down nutrients increases or the amount of digestive enzymes produced by the body is insufficient it may be necessary to administer such enzymes from without. These can come in the form of medications or bio-active food supplements such as Assimilator – a product designed to improve digestion. It includes the basic herbal enzymes that split complex food substances in the gastrointestinal tract into simpler elements, which can then be absorbed through the walls of intestines into the blood stream.

In summary the Assimilator helps to:

  • breakdown nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins & fats) increases amount of digestive enzymes produced by the body.
  • degrade isolated clustered unhealthy cells & assimilate out of the location via lymph flow into the colon
  • assimilate in vital nutrients into cells thereby improve digestion & absorption of food
  • Improve final evacuation from the body thereby raising the immune status of the body
  • reduce bloating & heaviness in the stomach
  • improve the immune system of the body

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