#ThrowbackThursday: Coral Health Advocacy at a Church Chapel in Festac Town Lagos.

Dr. ChimaObi Ozurigbo, founder Coral Nigeria, was at a Church Chapel in Fastac, Lagos to spread the advocacy of our four (4) steps to health to a congregation of men, women and youth. Dr Chima in his 2019 campaign as the YEAR OF OBEDIENCE was able to correlate our sequential health models to the declarations of the Holy Bible to implore all Christians to adopt preventive measures towards maintaining the foundation of our human body – the cells – as most of the sicknesses we suffer are mainly as a result of our disobedience to God.

In his presentation he made reference to Genesis Chapter 1:27 which says
“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; Male and Female he created them” in explaining the perfect creation of the human body based on our likeliness in the image of God to indicate the negatively charged body fluids (-60MV) in us as a defensive habitat to accommodate the CELLS which form the foundation of our body. Through this cellular approach he also indicated the baseline of 120 years lifespan as given by God in the book of Genesis Chapter 6:3 as our 12 body systems should contribute a total of 10 years lifespan each in achieving this longevity.

Dr Chima identified the first step to health – Superhydration – as a direction by God to protect His creation (the human body) as our Lifespan sustenance must be WATER and as a rule a negative type to signify purification and maintaining of the CELLS habitat if we wish to achieve a healthy state or quick recovery. He also identified thirst as a bad symptom of dehydration that must be avoided by drinking the required volume within the periods of the day to avoid being weak (i.e. weary) as referenced in the books of Job 22:7, John 4:14 and Exodus 17:3. Making reference to the first miracle of Jesus at Cana (John 2:6-7), Dr. Chima linked this event to the importance of purified water as the water with which Jesus performed his Miracle was in a Stony Jar – water not exposed to sunlight.

In the second step to health – Systems’ Detox – Dr Chima identified the routine cleansing of the human body as a process of revitilization or regenration as indicated in the book of 1. Corinthians 12:44-46. It is a process that must be done for our 12 body systems simultaneously without segregation as instructed in the book of 1 Cor. 12:25-26. This process must also correspond specific meals which are justifiably advised in the Bible book of Leviticus 11:9-12 in order to avoiding clogging of the unwanted intruders meant to be cleansed out of the human body.

Supplementation as the third step to health was clearly planned by God himself just after our creation as written in the Bible book of Genesis Chapter 1 verse 29 “And God said – Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all earth and every tree with seed in its fruit – You shall have them for food”. According to Dr. Chima,
God knew that there will be stage within His planned 120 years of lifespan in us we will lack the nourishment availability; this stage in life is called ageing and it occurs at age of 30 years meaning the remaining 90 years of lifespan is under our cautioned care while His Mercy endureth forever protecting us all from environmental hazards and traumas.

In the fourth and final step to health (Super-Protection), Dr. Chima made reference to the book of Proverbs 2:11 to reflect on the need for everyone to
prevent the consequences of our own invention meant for our utilization by protecting our human body against their possible originating hazards.
As humans, we want to see God’s protection as a magic force field that keeps us from all harm. Yes, God has to stop any evil or destruction but we must remember that He has also given us wisdom against self-destruction and by so doing nothing can separate us from His love unless we decide otherwise!. In recent times, the inventions causing us health problems these days are related to: WATER (where we store them), FOOD (how we produce them) and TECHNOLOGY (how to use them). He said that contrary to doing this right would clearly mean that we have failed God by disobeying His commandment instructed in Exodus 20:13 / Deuteronomy 5: 17. Dr Chima observed that obeying these commandments as Moses did, gave him the grace to live up to the exact age God planned for all of us irrespective of Gender or other Race (see Exodus 24:12 & Deuteronomy 34: 7).

In Conclusion, Dr Chima invited all Christians to exhibit the strongest commandment of God as instructed in the Bible books of John 13:34 / 15:12,17 / Romans 13:8 /1 Thessalonians 4:9 / 1 Peter 1:22 / 1 John 3:11,23 / 4: 7, 11,12 / 2 John 1:5 and implored everyone to have at least twelve (12) advocates of this Health Concept (CORAL – Constant Optimal Revitalizing Active Lifestyle) just as Jesus Christ our Lord had his own twelve (12) disciples thereby teaching the same patterns of attaining this Longevity and by so doing –WE MAKE THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

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