The 4th Step to Health – Body Protection

One of our Coral Advocates Tracy talks about the Body Protection model by Coral Club and how this helps to prevent against the environmental hazards of our technological inventions around us.

Preventive healthcare is our priority at Coral Nigeria and this is why we adopt the fourth step to health as an effort in ensuring that conditions beyond our control do not exacerbate the prevailing health challenges we are trying to cure.

Electromagnetic radiation is one of the health risks we humans are usually exposed to on a daily basis that has significant detrimental effects on us especially in the long-term. The discharge of free radicals from this phenomena builds up the oxidation levels in our system which also has a deteriorating effect on our healthy lifestyle.

The Neitronik sticker has proven to be the best protection against electromagnetic radiation in the world. in the world! The crystal lattice of the sticker’s antenna has the crystalline properties whereby it absorbs and converts the electromagnetic energy. Activated by the emitting device, the antenna creates its own field which interacts with the incoming waves and converting its spectrum into a form that is safe for humans. The device reduces the electromagnetic load on the human body to a safe level. In the first few hours after installation, it reduces the electromagnetic field by about half (by distance from the monitor) by three quarters (by area).

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