Children’s Specials by Coral Club

Coral Club also cares for the children in providing an optimally-selected set of products that are beneficial for children’s well-being and performance and this has been done in regards to our four steps to health model.

Starting with their daily hydration, the Coral-Mine water is highly recommended for children for their water consumption. This helps to keep the children in a naturally defensive and detoxified system as they usually exposed to dirty habits during their recreational hours. The Coral-Mine has proven a successful product for the children as our over 11,000 Coral Kids worldwide have suffered no health challenge or sickness since their birth.

Secondly, the Spirulina Tablets as a mild detox is very effective in cleansing the children’s body for improvement in their general health and the flushing of toxins. It helps control weight in children especially for kids with obesity tendencies while also increasing vitality.

Thirdly, Children should be fed with the right nutrients and vitamins they need for their daily and educational activities. This is why Coral Club have combined these essential diets in the most pleasant way for children’s attraction – Chocolate bars. These chocolate bars come in 10 different types:

  • Choco Almond Bar – beneficial for the immune and cardiovascular systems
  • Choco Peanut Bar – improves balanced energy and promotes digestion
  • Coral Omega Bar – provides antioxidant protection
  • Coral Protein Bar – helps replenish energy reserves and is a source of valuable vegetal protein
  • SuperApple Bar – contributes to the normalization of weight and improves digestion
  • SuperBerry Bar – supports children’s immune system with necessary vitamins and boost the energy levels and body metabolisms.
  • SuperBlueberry Bar – highly recommended to promote mental clarity and focus.
  • SuperCherry Bar – helps to achieve weight loss goals
  • SuperChlorella Bar – strengthens the immune system
  • SuperSpirulina Bar- enhances intestinal peristalsis

Finally, Children can protect their bodies with the Yummy Vits. The Yummies for Kids must be given to children daily in order to:

  • supplement therapeutic diets
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals following dehydration (after vomiting, diarrhea and excessive perspiration)
  • help treat various chronic conditions

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!

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