#ThrowbackThursday: The Health and Wealth Concept at Coral Club.

Today, we do a throwback to a seminar briefing by Dr. Chimaobi from our Odessa facility in Ukraine where he talked about the health and wealth concept by Coral Club in less than 15 mins.

The health concept by Coral Club is one that can be achieved in four (4) steps which are:

  • Superhydration
  • Systems’ Detox
  • Supplementation
  • Superprotection

Dr. Chima identified the harmony of three major parameters for a perfect health which are:

  • Physical health
  • Financial health
  • Psycho-spiritual health

In this section he explained how all these parameters work hand-in-hand to achieving a perfect health represented by the white pyramid in the slide and how an omission of one of these parameters could hinder a 100% well-being. He went further to explain how the logo of coral club was created based on the conventional family model, health-wealth with an extension of all the continents world wide.

He explained the correlation between the hospital and coral health scenario. In the emergence of a physical health challenge, patients visit the hospital for treatment and when this happens doctors approaches people is at the organ level and that’s why do two things: subjective examinations and objective examinations whereby they will ask you questions and later if they are not satisfied they’ll send you to objective examinations like test for better findings in attempt to restore the structure or function of the organ.

Now the function of that organ is controlled by the system and in our body we have 12 systems which make us the human being that we are. The Coral health scenario comes in through the integrative cellular approach that works at the foundational levels of the organs which are the cells. This approach corresponds with basic biology science where hierarchy of organ formation started with cells before they became tissues before they became organs.

The cells exists in the liquid environment of the body k now as the Body fluids. The Body fluids consists of the Blood, Cerebrospinal fluid, Joint fluid, Lymph fluid and Interstitial fluids that accommodate the cells of the body under three major conditions: clarity, charge (-60mv) and pH (alkalinity >7.3 buffered <8.0).

Dr. Chimaobi also explains why we fall ill as a result of our own habits by illustrating the spectrum of charges that different kinds of liquids fall under based on their level of toxicity. He also explained how our internal buffer system of the body which is the Liver control activation helps in naturally neutrifying toxic substances taken into our system but eventually when the system can no longer accommodate these toxicities, they grow weaker and begin to cause complications to our health. This confirms the need for we to drink a negatively-charged water that suits with the parameters of the body fluids in boosting our buffer system.

In explaining the wealth concept, each member of coral club usually starts off as a consumer before moving to the Assistant level where the member gets a special business kit that helps in building the member’s partnership with coral club. In becoming a director, the member is seen to be actively engaging his family and friends in the business model of coral club. Successful members graduate to higher levels of the Director status (Gold, Emerald and Diamond) in having as much as 4 legs with 8 directors till the 5th generation.

Becoming an executive at Coral Club, such member is awarded with a brand new Mercedes Benz of the latest model encrypted with the owner’s name. At this level, the coral club member earns a minimum of $2,000 per month with an all expenses paid trip to Europe for a luxurious tourism experience. These benefits are continuous with also Real Estate bonuses as they progress on the higher levels of the executive status – Silver, Double Silver, Gold, Platinum and Star – where members also stand the chance of winning a Jet Plane! The benefits are tremendous.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!!

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