Colonoscopy: Before and After Colo-Vada Plus Program 2 Cleanse

In this video we see a 35 year old woman’s GIT system before and after the systems’ detox by Coral Club’s Colo-Vada Plus Program 2.

According to Dr. Anthony Badzier, Professor of Gastroenterology in New York, after concluding a 25 year study of over 5,000 cases, every physician should realize that intestinal toxins are the most important primary and contributing causes of many disorders and health problems of the human body. Accumulation of toxins in the colon of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) have been discovered to be the major hindrance to the performance of dietary supplements as these bio-processed foods cannot function in a dirty system.

From our Prague facility in Czech Republic, this colonoscopy was done on a breast cancer patient who was having a chronic constipation inhibiting her from discharging toxins from her systems efficiently. After two weeks of the Colo-Vada program 2, a colonoscopy was done again in her system and her entire GIT was revitalized and free from toxins.

Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus” is an effective complex program that cleanses the body and restores a healthy internal environment. This program is designed for 14 days and includes a 3-step process that permits maximum efficacy of detoxification, improves the digestive tract function and preserves beneficial intestinal microbial flora.

This program is beneficial for:

  • Supplements Dieting
  • Weight Loss
  • Weight Gain

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!

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