The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Risks to all Bankers’ Eye Health

In this video, Dr. Chimaobi explains why photo emissions from monitor screens has the capacity in deterring the eye health.

Bankers and IT professionals are constantly predisposed to developing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) a condition when such person sits in front of PCs, Laptops, Tablet systems for more than two (2) hours. While on the contrary, the above mentioned category of people sits daily a minimum 12 hours on their systems due to their kind of job thus initially causing occurrences of minor vision problems like;

  • Hypermetropia (Longsightedness)
  • Myopia (Shortsightedness)
  • Presbyopia
  • Astigmatism
  • Binocular Vision (Problem of Eye Coordination and Focusing)

Consequently, on prolonged exposure finally leads to major vision problems namely;

  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts

How does this happen?

The reason is that this PC/Laptop monitors emit three (3) types of hazardous radiations which Dr. Chimaobi has in the video characterized as the good, the bad and the ugly risks.

The Good risk represents the photo emission called the visible blue light and ultra-violet radiation which radiates up to only 50 cm field of vision and it is good risk because the organ of sense of sight (the eye) can detect it and the brain system demands that we provide a UV protective glasses.

The Bad risk refers to the second type of emission called the radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) which radiates to about 150 cm field of emission which cannot be detected by the eye as a sense organ. This phenomenon is notable based on connecting modalities of such systems to WiFi modems, Personal Hotspots etc. It is just bad but thanks to cable connections that has been mandated by World Health Organisations (WHO) to be observed as a rule by public institutions while research on different health hazards are still on.

The Ugly risk represents the third type of emission (most dangerous) thus called a modern slow killer! This is the Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (LF-EMR) which radiates above 2 meters distance from field of emission and never can be detected by the eyes as a sense organ. Furthermore, this LF-EMR moves with destructive penetrability through the corneal cells via lens up to the macular zone of the retina. When this continually happens all through your banking/IT job (say 15-20 years), guaranteed onset of glaucoma and an initiation of cataract development is inevitable such that the computer vision syndrome associated with eyes strain, headaches, blurred vision, neck/shoulder pain triggers the destruction of spinal cervical nerves (C1 – C3) eventually would cause the complete degeneration of the Optic nerve thereby leading to the eventual damage to the retina resulting from cloudiness of the lens making cataract a must unfortunate condition whereby there is no more focusing of light.

As at today there is no cure for cataracts therefore only precautionary preventive measures are available to you. Don’t joke with your life.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!

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