Inflacor – Joint Health

Inflacor – Joint Health

InflaCor is an effective tool for improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. At the core of the product is a balanced set of herbal ingredients that prevent the deterioration of bone, cartilage, and connective tissue, as well as reduces inflammation.

The Active Ingredients

Hops – contains a set of bioactive substances that restore muscle tissue: organic and phenol carbonic acids, flavonoids, essential oil, etc. These substances reduce muscle pain and inflammation of the muscle tissue.

Boswellia – is valued for the fragrant resins and boswellic acids that have anti-inflammatory effects. Boswellic acids block the synthesis of leukotrienes, which are one of the main factors causing inflammation in the spine, joints and the area surrounding the joints. These same acids also prevent the penetration of white blood cells into the cartilage and joint fluids, thereby contributing to dampening the inflammatory response and directly reducing the damage to the articular cartilage.

Oil-soluble and water-soluble Rosemary Extracts – have large amounts of antioxidants in them. The main active components of rosemary are phenolic acids (rosmarinic, caffeic, carnosic, etc.); flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenes (carene, cineol, borneol, camphor, verbenone), triterpene acids (oleanolic, carnosolic). The oil-soluble extract is rich in carnosic acid, while water-soluble rosemary extract contains more rosemary acid. Rosemary extract stimulates blood circulation and muscle performance and also has anti-inflammatory, memory enhancement, antioxidant, and painkiller effects.

Skullcap, Angelica officinalis, Andrographis paniculata, Nettle, Chrysanthemum – help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, pain, muscle tension, and swelling of the joints. They also have a toning effect when sufficient quantities enter the musculoskeletal system.

Many of the plants included in this formula contain calcium in combination with vitamin D3 and are highly nutritious while increasing bone strength.


• reduce inflammation;
• reduce pain and swelling;
• Prevent the destruction of bone and cartilage.

Be Smart. BE CORAL. Be Yourself!!

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