AquaOx – The Anti-Oxidant Fruit

AquaOx – The Anti-Oxidant Fruit

AquaOx is a complex of the most powerful plant antioxidants which assist the Central Nervous System and the cardiovascular system to optimize their performance, enhance blood circulation and vessel permeability, and protect the body’s cells from the aging process.



  • protects against free radicals
  • naturally, lowers cholesterol and prevents the development of hardening of the arteries
  • optimizes cardiovascular system functioning
  • improves performance and memory
  • is a powerful tonic

The action of the active ingredients

Pomegranate extract with its ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, and a complex of other substances is justifiably considered to be а powerful antioxidant; which prevents cell damage – which in turn leads to brain, heart, liver, and kidney disorders. The latest scientific research has shown that pomegranate extract is able to slow down plaque build up inside one’s arteries (atherosclerosis). Daily consumption of a glass of pomegranate
overtime prevents atherosclerotic plaque formation in the vessels. In fact, pomegranate shows more antioxidant activity than cranberry, blackberry, or green tea.

Acai Berry is another leader in the area of antioxidants, omega-3, -6, and -9, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. This is a rare example of a high quantity of healthy substances in one berry versus any other product. Acai produces a general tonic effect, enhances blood circulation, activates brain function, and assists in supporting a normal cholesterol level.

Cocoa-beans extract is a source of polyphenols and flavonoids, which resist the negative influences of free radicals on the body’s cells. It is because of polyphenols that cocoa beans have their taste and color and a slew of healthy properties: antioxidative; antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It has been experimentally proved that cocoa polyphenol – epicathechine is quickly and fully absorbed by the body. Cocoa has favorable influences on the brain as it stimulates blood flow to the areas responsible for quick reaction and memory.

Rosemary extract is also an active antioxidant due to the presence of phenol acid. Carnosine acid and its derivatives show strong antioxidant, stabilizing and toning effects from rosemary extract.


  • is a general health improving remedy
  • prevents the progress of atherosclereosis
  • provides active effectiveness

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