BioShape – Keeping you always in shape!

BioShape – Keeping you always in shape!

Bioshape is a unique product for weight correction.
Take it when you’re losing weight and you can
avoid the negative side effects of most diets (intoxication
and the regaining of weight once you go off
the diet). Use the product during increased exertion
while you are undergoing weight reduction, toxin
purging programs, or if you’re an athlete.

Gymnema has been used to reduce blood sugar
since times immemorial. Its name translates from
Indian as ‘destroyer of sugar’. The plant is unique
in that it doesn’t stimulate the production of new
insulin but rather increases the efficacy of available
insulin. Gymnema also has a powerful toning
up effect. It contains two active components;
gymnema acid and gurmarin.

Gymnema acid has a hypoglycemic effect, reducing
the intake of glucose and improving the function
of the pancreas.

Gurmarin affects the tongue receptors, making the
taste of sugar less attractive and thereby indirectly
reducing the amount of sweets eaten by the person.

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In India the fruits of Cambodia garsinia have been
used for centuries to prepare a concentrated extract
that improves digestion and helps reduce weight.
The main active ingredient of garsinia – lemon hydroxide
acid – is found only in a handful of plants.
Lemon hydroxide acid has two principal effects; it helps reduce appetite and it burns fat. It delivers
excellent results if what you need is to eat less and
lose weight. And what is especially important is that
it has no reactive effect, i.e. after you did a course
of garsinia you won’t want to eat more.

Chrome participates in the carbohydrate metabolism
together with insulin by transporting glucose
from the blood into tissues where it is used as an
energy source. It helps increase the amount of glycogen
in the liver, suppressing the appetite center
in the brain. Chrome deficiency makes people
crave sweets.

The set of amino acids is a building block in the
biosynthesis of proteins and has a positive effect
on the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the
body. It is absorbed very easily without generating
any calories or toxins

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By combining Bioshape with regular exercise and a
balanced diet you can:

  • Reduce weight
  • Reduce appetite
  • Reduce craving for sweets
  • Improve vitality
  • Improve the condition of your skin

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