Chewable Calcium – The Solution to Osteoporosis

Chewable Calcium – The Solution to Osteoporosis

Chewing pleasant mint-tasting calcium tablets supply the body with one of the most important minerals – calcium. As well as vitamins C and D, that are necessary for the proper absorption of calcium. They are very effective in preventing osteoporosis and osteopenic syndrome.

Calcium is an indispensible mineral. In combination with elements necessary for its absorption it participates in the growth of bone and teeth. If calcium is supplied to the body in sufficient quantities and you supplement this with regular exercise, your body starts to stockpile calcium in the bones. This significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by excessive brittleness of the bones, and increased incidence of fractures and bad posture.

In recent years osteoporosis has been afflicting increasing numbers of younger people. This has been caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diets, stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Calcium is especially needed by menopausal women because calcium absorption decreases as the level of estrogens in the body subsides. Menopausal women lose about one kilogram of bone tissue every year.

Vitamin D significantly enhances calcium absorption, helping in the mineralization of the bone tissue and teeth. Low levels of Vitamin D may lead to poor absorption of calcium if too much of it is taken.

Vitamin C plays an important part in the synthesis and maturation of collagen, the most important bone tissue protein, which makes bones elastic and ensures resistance to deformation. Vitamin C is also needed for the normal production of forms of Vitamin D. Vitamin C deficiency may lead to a situation where even high doses of Vitamin D prove ineffective, which in turn leads to reduced levels of calcium in the body

Considering osteoporosis the following facts should
be noted

• After a person turns 30, the supply of calcium in
their bones begins to decrease.
• Every other woman and every eighth man are at risk
of osteoporosis.
• Today mild forms of osteoporosis are increasingly
being diagnosed in 16 year-old girls with
abnormally low body weight.
• Osteoporosis is one of the few conditions for which
preventive measures are very well known and quite

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