Coral Chlorella – A Powerful Anti-Oxidant

Coral Chlorella is a product based on the Chlorella microalgae – distinguished by a unique composition, powerful antioxidant, and detoxifying properties, as well as an ability to optimise the functioning of the immune system and the digestive processes.

The single-cell algae Chlorella can easily compete with meat and cereals on nutritional properties. While wheat has a 12% protein content and meat 25%, Chlorella has more than 50% protein content! This is all thanks to the fact that almost half of its cytoplasm is made up of protein. Biochemists say Chlorella is a very good source of protein for people who don’t want to eat meat. In addition, Chlorella contains beta-carotene, vitamin B9, B12, E, and C, amino acids, minerals – in other words everything you need for good nutrition.

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Studies by American scientists demonstrated that Chlorella has significant detoxification properties. The same studies also demonstrated that the flushing of pesticides as well as heavy elements such as uranium, mercury, and lead is significantly increased when Chlorella is added to the diet. This effect is the result of the growth factor contained in Chlorella, which protects cells from the impact of various toxins.

Chlorella is characterized by a great supply of chlorophyll. It was found that microalgae contain 5-10 times more chlorophyll than Spirulina or alfalfa. Chlorophyll is very effective in combating anaemia: it gets into the bloodstream and saturates it with oxygen that then is converted to haemoglobin.

Chlorella has a beneficial effect on the digestive process as it normalises the secretion of digestive acids and is a good food source for friendly micro flora, stimulating its growth. The fibrous material making up the cell walls of algae improves bowel functioning, eliminating indigestion, and boosts healing. The nucleic acids, amino acids, and peptides found in Chlorella help prevent mutations in tissues and help restore them.

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Chlorella also helps to stimulate the immune system, production of the antiviral protein interferon, and has a specific action against herpes and Epstein-Bar viruses. These properties make it very important in fighting a variety of infections.

Usage :

Coral Chlorella can help:

• People with a weakened immune system, the elderly, smokers, alcoholics and people living in large industrial cities or who work in places where they get exposed to various pollutants;
• Prevent anaemia;
• People suffering from bowel inflammation and
gastrointestinal diseases.

Be Smart. Be CORAL. Be Yourself.

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