Coral Licorice Root – Anti-Inflammatory Solution

Coral Licorice Root – Anti-Inflammatory Solution

Coral Licorice – an anti-inflammatory and immunity normalization complex, expectorant, on the basis of licorice and ginger extracts for rehabilitation and health support. Licorice is a valuable source of many helpful nutrients: saponins, glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetinic acids, flavonoids, mannitol, mucous substances, gums, ascorbic acid. Not in vain it is put on the same footing in its properties as ginseng in Chinese medicine.

Glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetinic acids possess hormone-like actions which produces antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and expectorative effect. These acids affect different types of DNA and RNA viruses, stop their growth on early stages blocking penetration of the virus inside the cell and its ability to synthesize new viral particles. They induce formation of interferon by rising protective properties of mucous membranes. Glycyrrhizic acid plays a particular role: it is able to pull up the initial stage of inflammatory processes thanks to stimulating influence on the bark of adrenal. Great advantage of licorice as opposed to corticosteroids is that it does not depress the bark of adrenal functions, but stimulates production of their own hormones.

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Saponins irritate muscous membranes of the upper respiratory tracts (trachea, bronchi) and also other organs, intensifying secrecy of their glands, that’s why licorice is included into the composition of expectorants and remedies for coating and soothing cough. Flavonoids produce spasmolitic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory action, decrease capillary fragility, and assist in producing protective film on the mucous membrane of digestive system, improving damaged tissue regeneration.

Polysaccharides take part in immune processes, produce antibiotic and antiviral effects. Licorice root extract besides other healthy properties is a natural sugar substitute. It is added as a sweetener into medicines and food supplements, tonic drinks, beer and candies. Ginger is an ancient spice and remedy. Its spicy composition was appreciated by people of India, Japan, Australia thanks to its anti-inflammatory, toning and stress-protective effect.

Ginger favorably influences digestive system, coping with any kinds of dyspepsia (sense of heaviness in the stomach, overflow, early satiety, flatulence, sense of swelling in the epigastria area, nausea). Systematic consumption of ginger stimulates digestion and improves stomach secrecy.

Ginger blocks prostaglandines action, which causes capillary and joints inflammation and growth of pathogenic bacteria in gastrointestinal tract; it also decreases cholesterol blood level. Researches made by scientists of University of Georgia (USA) have shown that ginger helps with muscles pain. After volunteers observations they found out that frequent consumption of ginger decreases pain level till 25%.

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Also ginger is effective against flue, stagnations in lungs, sinusitis, cough, throat ache, it facilitates phlegm softening and warms the body.

It is very useful for immune system strengthening. Licorice root contains vital vitamins, minerals, essential oils and amino-acids producing strong stimulating and toning effect and mobilizing inner forces of the body.


Coral Licorice produces favorable effect at different diseases:
• respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia etc)
• gastrointestinal tract diseases (stomach and
duodenum mucous erosion, chronic diseases of liver
and biliaries)
• Addison’s disease (bronzed disease)
• Adrenocorticotropic hypofunction, acute and
chronic pyelonephritis

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