Eyebright – The Herb for the Eyes

Eyebright – The Herb for the Eyes

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Euphrasy (Euphrasia officinalis) is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs, which is highly valued in traditional medicine of different countries. It is commonly known as “eye herb”. Its English name means “bright eyes”, French name “to throw away your glasses” and Greek name “the joy of that who kept his vision”. The Russian name derived from the word “eye” is self explanatory and is a clear reference to the healing power of this herb.

Euphrasy was first mentioned as a medicinal plant in 1305. It was so widely known and efficient that it was praised in rhymes and poems. In Tibetan medicine, euphrasy has long been considered a good remedy against conjunctivitis. In Iceland, he juice extracted from euphrasy is used as an analgesic medicine in various eye diseases.

Euphrasy contains a mixture of active substances (glycosides, flavonoids, iridoids, anthocyanins, coumarins, vitamin С, carotin, amarines, saponins, essential and fatty oils, and microelements: copper, manganese, zinc, barium, silver, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, chromium, and nickel) that affect the underlying cause of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the eye retina and vitreous body at a biochemical level.

Biological effects of euphrasy: anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, astringent (especially in the mucous membranes of the eyelids and conjunctiva), reduction of intraocular pressure, and improvement of visual functions, etc.

Euphrasy herb is widely used in ophthalmology to treat burning sensation in the eyes and watery eyes, to improve visual acuity, for prophylaxis of eye diseases of various etiologies, and to treat degenerative-dystrophic processes of Coats’ eye. Euphrasy can even help alleviate pain and inflammation after eye injury, where there is a possibility of damage to the cornea.

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Euphrasy has a positive effect in people with eye fatigue caused by artificial light, considerable eye exertion, and hypersensitivity to sunlight.

Euphrasy also has hypotensive, sedative, and spasmolytic effects and can improve blood supply to the brain. Euphrasy is a proven remedy for coughs accompanied by profuse sputum, catarrhal signs, and pain in the frontal sinuses. It reduces “stuffiness” in the nasal sinuses and alleviates inflammation of the mucous membranes. It is also used in enterocolitis and in the cases of gastritis accompanied by hyperacidity.


The use of Euphrasy can be useful in:

• Eye fatigue;
• Conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
• Cornea opacity and spots on the cornea;
• Cataract and glaucoma;
• Respiratory diseases.

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