Lax-Max: A Mild Laxative for the GIT

Lax-Max: A Mild Laxative for the GIT

Lax-Max is a natural mild laxative. It contains several groups of active ingredients that allow it to achieve its effects.

The fructooligosacharides inulin and psyllium husk affect the peristalsis of the intestine. They inhibit liquid absorption in the colon thereby liquefying the stool and improving the bowel motility. This increases the frequency of defecations, softens the stool, and restores a relaxed intestine.

As a sorbent, inulin absorbs various heavy metals and radionuclide, and purges them from the body while also promoting the growth of micro flora in the intestine.

Buckthorn, Turkish rhubarb and Senna are sources of active ingredients that strengthen the peristalsis of the colon. Their laxative effect is achieved through the irritation of the mucous membrane of the colon. They work very well in chronic constipation and flatulence, also purging the body of toxins and improving the function of the intestine.

Alfalfa, clover, rosemary, fenugreek, Myrick, black walnut; the saponins, flavonoids, minerals and mucous substances contained in these plants inhibit fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine, and reduce inflammation.

Plant fibers ease the evacuation of the contents of the intestines. Mucous substances reduce inflammation by creating an extra layer over the intestine and helping it to heal.

Magnesium oxide accelerates metabolism and bile excretion while at the same time increasing the amount of water in the intestine, thereby strengthening the peristalsis and eliminating constipation.


• Normalizes the peristalsis of the intestine;
• Binds toxins and purges them from the body;
• Ensures regular soft stool;
• Restores micro flora.

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