Silver-Max: Defense against Infections

Silver-Max: Defense against Infections

Silver-Max is prepared from colloidal silver, which is a potent natural antiseptic and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity. Colloidal silver (which has a concentration of 10 μg/mL in this product) is efficient against pathogenic bacteria, can be rapidly excreted from the body, and does not cause skin pigmentation. The method of producing colloidal silver allows silver particles to become completely dissolved in water and ensures a high product quality.

Colloidal silver affects over 350 species of harmful microbodies, including staphylococci and Helicobacter pylori, which cause gastric ulcers; this activity of colloidal silver is not associated with any toxic effect on the body. Silver has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Silver ions enter the infected cell and prevent the nutrients from reaching the virus, thereby causing the sick cell to die. At the same time, silver does not harm healthy cells: it kills pathogenic bacteria, but is actually safe for the indigenous beneficial flora of the body.

Anti-inflammatory properties of silver become manifested when it reaches the affected tissues. When silver enters a septic wound, it binds to the tissue proteins and envelops the nervous endings creating a protective layer and impeding the irritation. The effect produced by silver helps clean the wound from necrotic masses, which prevents the development of various pathologies and accelerates the process of wound healing. Colloidal silver is efficient in treating GIT disorders, food poisoning, some cutaneous eruptions (psoriasis, allergic dermatitis), and arthritis.

Silver is one of the most important microelements essential for the normal functioning of the human body. Silver is especially crucial for the functioning of the brain, endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, and bones. It takes an active part in metabolic processes and in the synthesis of many important enzymes and vitamins, and also regulates energy metabolism, helps increase lymphocyte, erythrocyte counts, and hemoglobin levels.


Silver-Max substantially reduces the risk of infectious diseases and has a positive effect on:
• Infectious respiratory diseases;
• Skin diseases (dermatomycosis, furunculosis, and eczemas of different localization);
• GIT disorders (gastric and duodenal ulcers,
dysentery) and food poisoning;
• Trophic ulcers and burns.

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