Coral Energy Bars: Healthy Desserts for All

Coral Energy Bars: Healthy Desserts for All

New energy bars produced by Coral Club are a source of health, vitality, energy, and good cheer! They are a worthy addition to our line of healthy dietary products, one of the most promising areas of activity in our company.

Energy bars are tasty and have low-calorie content. They contain no sugar, preservatives, artificial colors or taste boosters and therefore they can be healthful for both children and adults, for everybody who leads an active lifestyle and cares about the health of their loved ones. The bars are composed only of plant ingredients (nuts, raisins, luscious pieces of fruit, cereals, cocoa, etc.)

Nuts have a delicate taste and high nutritive value. They are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins А, В2, В1, and minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium). Due to the diversity of their composition, they assist in protein and fatty acid metabolism and strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems.

  • Choco Almond Bar – beneficial for the immune and cardiovascular systems
  • Choco Peanut Bar – improves balanced energy and promotes digestion
  • Coral Omega Bar – provides antioxidant protection
  • Coral Protein Bar – helps replenish energy reserves and is a source of valuable vegetal protein
  • SuperApple Bar – contributes to the normalization of weight and improves digestion

Raisins retain almost all beneficial properties of fresh grapes. They contain high levels of ascorbic acid (strengthening the immune system), potassium, magnesium (for people with heart problems), calcium (for spine and joints), iron, phosphorus, easily absorbable carbohydrates, and essential enzymes.

Agave is a source of polysaccharides that improve the ability of the human body to assimilate calcium and prevent calcium from being leeched from bones. The food products enriched with agave fructans can aid in strengthening bones and increasing their growth in children.

Dates contain many of fructose necessary to maintain life energy and normalize arterial pressure and blood sugar; it also has amino acids (building material for cells and tissues) and vitamins В1, В2, and В9, which have a healthful effect on the nervous system.

Cocoa increases life energy and improves mood stimulating the production of endorphin, “the feel good hormone”. It contains lots of magnesium, an important element for the work of the heart and nervous system. Cocoa helps stimulate mental and physical activity during the day and at the same time assists in quiet, undisturbed sleep at night. This effect is produced by the cocoa substance theobromine.

  • SuperBerry Bar – supports children’s immune system with necessary vitamins and boost the energy levels and body metabolisms.
  • SuperBlueberry Bar – highly recommended to promote mental clarity and focus.
  • SuperCherry Bar – helps to achieve weight loss goals
  • SuperChlorella Bar – strengthens the immune system
  • SuperSpirulina Bar- enhances intestinal peristalsis

Oat is one of the most valuable cereals, a healthy food for all ages. This cereal controls fat metabolism and stimulates the lowering of blood cholesterol and blood sugar.

Raspberry and strawberry are rich in useful organic acids, pectins, fiber, vitamins A, C, PP and Vitamins of B-group, minerals, anthocyanins and cumarins. They are essential at hypovitaminosis, assist in prothrombin level and blood coagulability normalization, enhance digestion and metabolic processes.


Coral Club energy bars:
• are a source of vital energy;
• strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems;
• are a “tasty” treat for the health of adults and

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