Vitamin E – The Youthful Vitamin

Vitamin E – The Youthful Vitamin

Taking Vitamin E helps a whole host of systems in your body – cardiovascular, reproductive, immune – and prevents the development of a number of serious conditions caused by Vitamin E deficiency. As an antioxidant Vitamin E prevents cells from getting damaged, slows down the oxidation of lipids and fats, and the formation of free radicals, and protects other fat soluble vitamins from being destroyed by oxygen ensuring that they get absorbed by the body.

An important role played by this vitamin is the prevention of over-saturation of the tissues with oxygen, which helps cells breathe and boosts their endurance. For this reason athletes and people leading an active life need to take Vitamin E.

Vitamin E prevents the destruction of red blood cells, the rise in permeability and fragility of capillaries, reduces blood clotting, and prevents the development of vascular thrombosis. It also participates in the synthesis of proteins, division of cells, development of the placenta, formation of gonadotropin, and sex hormones. Thus, it essentially takes part in the functioning of all the most important internal secretion glands, preventing the development of a buildup of plaque, degenerative changes in the cardiac muscle and the skeletal muscles, improving the nutrition, and the contracting capability of the myocardium.

Vitamin E plays an important role in the metabolism of selenium, which, as an antioxidant, also protects cellular membranes against the destructive effect of free radicals.

In addition to that Vitamin E is also known as the vitamin of youth because it slows down the ageing process, prevents the formation of age related pigmentation, and is necessary for the formation of collagen and elastic fibers in the intercellular substance, restoring epidermis, and regulating
the moisture balance of the skin, thus protecting it against drying out.


Vitamin E can help:
• Prevent a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular diseases;
• Maintain the function of sex glands;
• Boost the immune system;
• Prevent degenerative changes in the sockets and ligaments;
• Improve the condition of the skin.

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