Aloemannan – The GIT Regulator

Aloemannan – The GIT Regulator

Nature has given people many wonderful plants and one of them is aloe. Thanks to its amazing properties it has been used for many centuries. In traditional medicine aloe has long been used to improve digestion, protect and restore the mucous membrane and reduce inflammation.

Aloemannan is a perfect choice if you want to improve the digestion and the function of your gastrointestinal tract as it has an overall toning-up effect as well as anti-inflammatory and healing effects. As all of its components are closely interlinked (aloe, flax seed, lecithin and calcium), the product is easily digested, normalizes the digestive function, protects the mucous membrane, and helps healing.

Aloe has a unique capability to activate the healing mechanisms of the body regardless of whether it is ulcers, burns, acne or some other cellular damage that needs to be taken care of. Scientists believe that it’s synergy of all ingredients of aloe makes it so effective.

So far 75 active components have been identified in aloe, most important of which are: monosacharides and polysaccharides, amino acids, saponins and anthraquinones.

Monosaccharides and polysaccharides help the diseases of the digestive tract by accelerating healing processes, improving digestion and liver function.

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Saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect achieved by blocking quinnes that cause inflammation.

Antrhaquinones have a unique and very gentle laxative effect as they do not interfere with the digestive processes in the small intestines or in the absorption of nutrients. At the same they help purge toxins from the body.

Aloe has 20 of 22 and 7 of 8 of the essential amino acids which serve as sources of proteins necessary for the regeneration of tissues.

Flax seed contains up to 40 % of fat oil, 24% proteins, mucus, 6-8% glycerin and carbohydrates, organic acids, enzymes and vitamin A. The mucus found in the seeds has an enveloping and soothing effect, and relieves irritation caused by various orally administered substances. Flax seed also contains phytoestrogens which have a positive effect on the hormonal balance of the body, thereby preventing they development of many adverse medical conditions

Lecithin actively participates in the lipid metabolism, preventing a fatty liver.


  • Heals and prevents development and exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems (gastritis, colitis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease)
  • Restores liver function
  • A tonic with anti-inflammatory and healing power
  • Soothes the digestive system
  • Improves gastrointestinal flora (friendly bacteria)
  • Reduces yeast and bacterial putrefaction in the colon
  • Improves elimination
  • May act as a naturally mild antacid
  • May improve protein digestion when taken with meals
  • Reduces bloating and flatulence after meals, indicating improved function of colonic bacteria
  • Enhances the bioavailability of vitamins E, C and B12

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