Be Active always with Activin

Among the vast number of chemical reactions that take place in our body there are reactions that produce free radicals. Free radicals accelerate the ageing process and contribute to the development of a variety of diseases. The formation of free radicals is intensified by negative environmental factors such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, chemical compounds absorbed by the body, etc. In addition, as people age the antioxidant system of the body can no longer cope adequately and free radicals produce even more adverse effects. In this case you can boost your body’s protective function by taking bio-active supplements containing antioxidants.

The biologically active complex “ACTIVIN” includes a number of natural anti-oxidants that bind free radicals thereby slowing down the ageing process and increasing your body’s energy levels, improving endurance and stabilizing the life support systems of the body.

Inulin-polysaccharide is composed of fructose, which is a unique sugar whose cellular combustion produce large amounts of energy needed for the human life. In addition, it ensures the absorption of nutrients by activating its own micro flora.

Activin (an extract of grape seeds) has a record content of natural antioxidants binding free radicals and suppressing oxidation reactions. Grape seed extract also acts as a cardio-protector by strengthening the blood vessel walls, improving circulation and the overall tone of the body. It is 15 times as effective as Vitamin E, which helps correct age-related changes. The active ingredients of the extract revitalize the brain by saturing the brain cells with oxygen.

Royal jelly is a highly nutrition product with an extremely varied range of biological effects on the various aspects of the metabolism. In the middle ages it was given the name Royal jelly as it was extremely difficult to extract and store and only very affluent people could afford to use it. Royal jelly is a biologically active stimulator and a means of strengthening the body as a whole.

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that participate in the synthesis of proteins and increase muscle tone, improving the overall vitality of the body.

Extracts of Ginkgo Biloba leaves, a green tea and thistle seeds boast an extremely high content of vitamins and flavonoids (natural antioxidants), which means that they have a very positive effect on blood vessels. Falvanoids strengthen capillary walls, activate the oxidation processes in the tissues and magnify the effect of ascorbic acid.

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