Black Walnut Leaves – The Instant Killer to Intestinal Worms

Black Walnut Leaves – The Instant Killer to Intestinal Worms

Black walnut leaves are held in high regard in North America due to the efficacy of their ingredients. The plant contains such substances as polyphenols, juglone, vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B1, B6, F, and E, essential oils, organic acids, tannins, and a number of others. It should be noted that the concentration of juglone in the leaves of black walnut is 2-4 times higher than in a walnut.

Image result for coral black walnut leaves

Black walnut leaves are a natural product that helps get rid of parasites, inflammation and bacterial infections. It’s recommended for old people prone to constipation.

Juglone is the most important and most active ingredient in black walnut. 500-700 grams of black walnut is needed to have 100 grams of juglone. It improves the function of the intestine, acting as a mild laxative. It is also effective against bacteria, parasite worms, and fungi. Even Hippocrates used it to flush out tapeworms. Traditional medicine of
South and North America uses juglone against ascarids and tapeworms.

Flavonoids have antioxidant and spasm relief effects and relax the smooth muscles.

Linolenic acid breaks down fat cells and reduces low density cholesterol, which is one of the key causes of a buildup of plaque and fat damage to the liver. Linolenic acid is very important for the human body as it is included in the membrane of nerve and retina cells. It doesn’t get synthesized in the human body and can only be consumed with food.

Tannins reduce the irritation of mucous membranes
and improve tissue density while reducing inflammation. Tannins create an impermeable film that insulates the mucous membranes from further damage or infection, thereby helping them heal better.

Thus Black Walnut Leaves:

• Flush out tapeworms and other parasites both chronic and acute;
• Cure bacterial infections;
• Act as a mild laxative;
• Reduce inflammation;
• Act as antioxidants.

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