Breaking News on the Hazards of Mobile Phone Radiation

Daily usage of technological devices such as our mobile phones, TVs, computers etc. have become inevitable due our increasingly digital world that brings huge reliance on these devices for our day-to-day activities. However these devices that we depend on so much intensely exposes us to risks we do not see with our bare eyes but have severe impacts on our cellular health.

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that surrounds us and takes various forms such as radio waves, microwaves, x-rays and even gamma rays. This same energy is what is required to bring network signals to our mobile phones for making calls, browsing, instant messaging, emails and etc. But according to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O), there are confirmations that there is a potential risk that radiation from cellphones can cause brain cancer as participants in a research experiment who had used cellphones for up to ten years or more had developed Brain Glioma, a type of tumor. This form of radiation not only causes DNA problems that could alter their normal structures, it also cooks the brain just what the microwave does to our food. It is due to this danger risks that Coral Club developed an EMR defence-device known as the Neitronik.

Neitronik is a personal protection device shielding you from electromagnetic radiation. It is designed for use around personal computers, televisions, radios, mobile phones, microwave ovens, monitors with LCD and plasma screens. Neitronik has a special antenna measuring 30x60x0.6 mm. The crystal lattice of the antenna has the crystalline properties whereby it absorbs and converts the electromagnetic energy. Activated by the emitting device, the antenna creates its own field which interacts with the incoming waves and converting its spectrum into a form that is safe for humans. The device reduces the electromagnetic load on the human body to a safe level. In the first few hours after installation, it reduces the electromagnetic field by about half (by distance from the monitor) by three quarters (by area).

Neitronik MG-03

This is designed to protect users of cordless and cellular phones, portable radios and microwave ovens from harmful electromagnetic radiation. The device neutralizes the part of the modulated spectrum of the radiation coming from the devices that penetrates deeply into the body and interferes with intracellular metabolic activity. Clinical trials have demonstrated that Neitronik has high protective properties: it reduces the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation on the human body by 3-5 times. Its main advantage compared to similar devices is that it only works when a device is switched on and only affects the electromagnetic field stimulated by the emitting device. Neitronik is stimulated by the field of the emitting device and creates its own field in pointing away from the lines printed on it. The two fields interact, converting the signal and making it safe for humans. It does not affect monitor image quality or reduce the coverage range of mobile communication devices.

Neitronik MG-04 and MG-04M

These are designed to protect you from personal computers (PC) and TVs (displays). This is based on a principle of neutralizing harmful radiation generated by monitor screens. The average electromagnetic field is measured up to 50 cm from the screen and the electric component is recorded at up to 10m or more. MG-04 (with a passive antenna) is based on the principle of EMF neutralization, i.e. the property of the crystalline structure to convert and re-emit the field’s energy, thereby reducing intensity of the EMF. Neitronik MG-04 starts working when your PC monitor or TV is turned on, using its retrodirective antenna to neutralize the three components of the radiation field from PC and TV screens by 2-3 times and reducing the static electricity by about 2 times (by distance from the monitor) or by 4 times (by area).

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Protected!!

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