Cascara Sagrada, Papaya and Mega Acidophilus – A unique combination for Stomach Ulcers

It’s a well known fact that a well functioning gastrointestinal tract determines the well being of the rest of the body a its micro flora. It’s one of the main security systems that blocks disease.

Mega Acidophilus aims to restore the micro flora to improve the overall condition of the body. The complex includes bifido and lacto bacteria that normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses pathogenic microbes, protect the body from toxins and prevent metabolic disorders. These bacteria actively participate in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, normalize the enzyme digestion of food, accelerate the hydrolysis of proteins and carbohydrates and produce lactose and metabolic enzymes in the intestinal tract over a long period of time.

Papaya is a 100% natural product made from the fleshy pulp of papaya fruits, was developed in compliance with all the quality standards necessary to preserve nutritional and healing properties of this wonderful tropical fruit. This product is ideal for restoring your vital energy after disease or physical exhaustion. Papaya improves the function of the GIT, cleanses the intestine, and gives a boost of energy and vitality.

Papaya is a source of plant lysozyme which is extracted form the latex of the pawpaw tree. This enzymes is founded in Plants, animals and humans and it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, because it destroys cellluar walls of gram-positive bacteria, fungi and viruses. Lysozyme also controls immune and metabolic processes and has antioxidative properties.

Cascara Sagrada  is a natural product based on Buckthorn Pursha that works as a laxative and regulates the muscle tone of the intestine, primarily the colon, stimulating secretion throughout the entire digestive system and the peristalsis. Buckthorn Pursha gently cleanses the intestine in acute and chronic atonic and spastic constipation. It can be used to treat hernorrhoids and fissures in the rectum as it makes the stool soft so that it helps the mucous membrane heal rather than irritating it.

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