CircuPhyt – For Cardio Blood Circulation

CircuPhyt – For Cardio Blood Circulation

We present to you a new product – the combined vegetable complex “CircuPhyt”

The Product is made to cure your vessels and to provide your organism with antioxidant protection!

Main Components/Active Ingredients

Diosmine:Diosmine is a bioflavonoid that is derived from citrus peel. It helps to increase the tone of veins and improves their elasticity.*

Horse Chestnut: Horse chestnut helps to prevent inflammation in small and large blood vessels.*

Hawthorn Berry: Having various cardio-protective abilities, it is very important to support cardiovascular health.*

Gotu Kola & Gingko Biloba: leaves extracts are the best natural protectors of the blood vessels. They help regulate the blood flow in the heart, brain and lower limbs.*

“CircuPhyt” protects your vessels, improves rheological properties of blood, normalizes circulation of blood and of lymph:

• improves venous and arterial blood circulation;

• normalizes viscosity of a blood and stimulates a lymph flow;

• restores microcirculation;

• strengthens immunity and has antioxidatic and fortifying effect.

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