Coral Artichoke – The Liver Regulator

Coral Artichoke – The Liver Regulator

Artichoke is a culinary delicacy that also offers a number of health benefits. In traditional medicine artichoke is valued for its choleretic and diuretic properties and is prescribed to prevent cholecystitis, purge the liver of toxins, improve digestion (especially in increased acidity), as well as a dietary product that improves appetite.

The most valuable ingredients found in artichoke include silymarin, one of the best available liver protectors, caffeic acid derivatives, inulin, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, carotene, and a number of minerals (especially potassium).

Components of Coral Artichoke

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Silmarin has two very powerful effects; it strengthens the structure of the membranes that protect the liver from toxins and poisons, and it initiates protein synthesis in liver cells. Silymarin purges the liver from excess medications and chemicals, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chlorogenic and caffeic acids stimulate secretion of bile and also have choleretic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The Chloretic effect is achieved by enhancing the composition of bile through an influx of fresh bile, which significantly reduces the risk of stone formation.

Insulin offers special benefits to people suffering from diabetes and obesity. It gets split before fructose and normalizes the sugar level in the blood. It also improves digestion by stimulating the growth of good flora, and prevents sclerotic damage to blood vessels. These properties make this product a must in the diet of diabetics and obese people.

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Spirulina is rich in proteins, macro and micro elements, vitamins and amino acids. It has a positive effect on the overall state of the body, and helps the healing of tissues. It also has antioxidant properties.

Thus Artichoke can be especially recommended for people who smoke, drink too much alcohol, live in environmental hazardous areas, or who have skin problems.


  • It stimulates the formation and secretion of bile;
  • Reduces the fat and lipid production of the liver;
  • Purges toxins from the body;
  • Has a mild diuretic effect;
  • Normalizes metabolism and strengthens the immune system;
  • Preserves the skin in good condition.

Be Smart. Be CORAL. Be Yourself!!!

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