Coral Black Walnut – The Instant Killer to Intestinal Worms

Today Mr. Chikere Clinton, an Emerald Director at Coral Club, talks about intestinal worms, what causes it and how it can be cured by the Coral Black Walnut.

Parasite Helminths are a serious but underrated problem. In recent years, in Russia over 813,000 people have been diagnosed with various parasitic infections, of which 681,000 (83.8%) have been children under the age of 14. Some parasitic infections can be very acute and may result in long term health problems. Taking this into account, the best course twice a year. And when it comes to preventive medicine the best approach is to go with natural products, one of which is Coral Black Walnut, a product that can help you with parasites, bacteria and inflammation.

The product includes a number of active ingredients such as black walnut, wormwood, crushed coral that will deal with worm infestation (both chronic and acute) and will cleanse the body.

The pericarp and leaves of black walnut are a source of tannis (25%), organic acids, coumarins, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils (0.03%), vitamins C, B1 and P (30%), minerals and juglone, a highly valuable and rare substance. And there is many more juglone in the pericarp of black walnut than in the leaves or other parts of the plant. Juglon kills both of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as the pathogenic yeast Candida. It normalizes the function of the intestine and helps soften the stool. In addition to juglon, black walnut also includes flavonoids and tannis which deal with excess oxidants, inflammation and spasms. These substances significantly reduce the irritation of damaged mucous membranes and help to heal better.

Wormwood was known as the mother of all herbs and had a reputation of a miracle worker among the medieval doctors. It was used to treat flatulence, indisgestion and food poisoning. Today wormwood is very popular as a cholagogue that improves appetite and regulates the gastroinstestinal tract. Combined with black walnut it prevents the reproduction of round and pin worms.

So in summary, Coral Black Walnut will help to:

  • kill microbes, protozoan and stops helminthes penetrations into the lumen of the intestines.
  • purge harmful toxins and stop inflammations by flushing out tapeworms with other parasites (both chronic and acute)
  • relieve spasms; relax the smooth muscles and reduce irritation of the mucous membranes.
  • improve the tissue density for revitalizing perforated lumen due to peptic ulcer.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

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