Coral Cat’s Claw – Relieve to Inflammation and Pain

Coral Cat’s Claw – Relieve to Inflammation and Pain

Cat’s claw is the name of the Peruvian liana. It has been given this name because its stem is dotted with small spines which it uses to cling to trunks of trees and to climb upward along them. For centuries it has been used by Native Americans to improve immunity. Teas and brews from the bark of the liana can relieve gastric spasms, improve the tone of the body, and reinvigorate a person.

Cat’s Claw is a product that contains the bark of its namesake, one of the most powerful immunity boosting plants in the world. It works at the level of cellular immunity. The effect is achieved by alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, and a number of other active ingredients.

The alkaloids activate T-lymphocytes, especially T-killer cells, which are the fundamental component of antiviral immunity. They also activate macrophages and normalize the level of immunoglobulin. In addition, alkaloids help normalize blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Firstly in the brain and heart, thereby preventing the development of a buildup of plaque. Secondary effect is enhanced phagocytosis and increased activity of cytokines, which act as the immune system’s mediators, and which regulate the internal immunity of the body. Glycoside acid blocks the replication of virusesin cells, breaks down the synthesis of their DNA, and also has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects.

Flavonoids act as antioxidants and reduce allergic reactions preventing cells from damage by free radicals, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and restoring good metabolism.

Tannins act as astringents, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory agents and help regenerate blood cells

The active ingredients found in Cat’s Claw ensure the

• Improves immunity;
• Acts as an antioxidant;
• Reduces blood clotting;
• Reduces inflammation;
• Invigorates the body.

Be Smart. Be CORAL. Be Yourself!!!

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