Coral Lecithin – A Versatile Bioactive Supplement

Coral Lecithin – A Versatile Bioactive Supplement

It is one of the most versatile bioactive supplements. Lecithin is the basis of all cellular membranes in the human body where it is used to rebuild damaged cells.

The main components of lecithin are chlorine and inositol, The are vital for the normal functioning of the brain. Choline coordinates muscle contractions, mental activity, creativity and memory. Inositol improves the mood, behaviour and navigational skills. It also has a sedative effect, reducing anxiety and irritability.

Lecithin is indispensable for the proper functioning of the heart. It reduces the amount of cholesterol, improves blood flow and circulation. It can also indirectly affect blood pressure.

Lecithin actively regulates fat metabolism, breaking down fat into simple acids. As a consequence where there is lecithin, lipids quickly get purged from the liver, which regenerates more quickly after damage caused by alcohol, nicotine, medications, narcotics, food preservatives and dyes.

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Lecithin also plays an important part in the immune system by restoring the function of lymphocytes and macrophages and enhancing disease resistance through the production of additional antibodies and stimulation of the activity and growth of phagocytes.

Lecithin is also one of the primary drivers of the reproductive function and is especially important for the proper development of the fetus and new born babies.

The other benefits of Lecithin include antioxidants protection of the skin against free radicals. It also helps the nutritional and detoxification processes, activates the lipid metabolism and stimulates the growth of new skin cells.


Coral Lecithin can be used to treat:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Anxiety, fatigue, attention deficit, and memory impairment;
  • Low mental or physical activity
  • Liver conditions
  • Skin problems

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