Coral Magnesium – A Cardiovascular Nutrient

Coral Magnesium – A Cardiovascular Nutrient

Coral Magnesium is an important product, especially for the cardiovascular system. It is a leading activator of the neuromuscular stimulation. The product strengthens the energy potential of the heart muscle, ensuring a stable heart rhythm and regulating the integrity of the blood vessels.

Active components

Magnesium is one of the most common chemical elements in the world. It is found in animals and plants such as some types of sea weeds. In humans, the largest amounts of magnesium are found in bone tissue, a third in the muscles and the rest in body fluids. Vegetarian food is especially rich in magnesium: legumes and cereals, spinach, salads, and nuts. Water is also an important source of magnesium and the harder the water the more magnesium it contains. Regions with soft water usually have a high incidence of hypomagnesemia (low magnesium content in the blood serum).

An adequate level of magnesium in the body supplies vital processes with energy; keeps the muscles smooth (blood vessels, bowel, gallbladder, and bladder etc.) and toned. Magnesium stimulates generation of protein, regulates the storage and release of ATP, and reduces stimulation in nerve cells. Magnesium is also known for its anti-stress properties: a person who has enough magnesium in their blood will have a positive mental attitude.

In traditional medicine magnesium is valued first of all as an antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic agent. Often cardiac arrhythmia results from magnesium deficiency and the condition can be estabilised by having the person take some extra magnesium. Magnesium also plays an important role in helping the heart work properly, regulating the balance of sodium and calcium in the heart cells, decreasing myocardial contractibility and stimulation, reducing the heart rate and through that – the heart’s need for oxygen. In addition, it has beneficial effects on blood vessels, increasing their lumen and stimulating coronary blood flow.

Magnesium helps regulate blood clotting, maintains healthy blood vessels, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Magnesium strengthens the immune system, and helps the body recover after exercise.


Coral Magnesium should be used for the prevention of:
• Cardiac arrhythmias;
• High blood pressure;
• Stroke and myocardial infarction.

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