Coral-Mine: The Mineral of the Sea

Coral-Mine: The Mineral of the Sea

Coral-Mine is made in Japan from deep water scleratinian corals that frow in the Sea of Japan off the islands of Okinawa and Tokunosima.

Coral is a unique substance which has achieved a perfect harmony of its animal, plant and mineral origins over 500 million years of evolution. A coral origins over 500 million years of evolution. A coral is a sea animal with a strange shape reminiscent of sea weed which feeds on a sea salt and marine microbodies.

The skeleton of a coral is made up of mineral salts which are at the heart of the coral’s effect on the human body. These salts are primarily calcium and magnesium, but in addition to these two there’s also potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorous, silicon, sulfur, chrome, manganese, zinc and many others. This rich multitude of minerals regulates the bodily functions and makes all the systems run like clockwork.

Calcium and phosphorous are building blocks for the bone tissue and all other connective tissues. They support the heart and improve nerve conductivity, insuring proper flexing of muscles and increasing the permeability of cell membranes, which normalizes the blood clotting process.

Magnesium helps calcium by freeing up ATF and increasing the energy potential of the body. It makes the energy potential of the body. It makes the heart beat rhythmically and tones up the smooth muscles in the vessels, intestines, the gall bladder, and the urine bladder. A good valance of calcium and magnesium in the body keeps calcium in the bone tissue, preventing bones from going soft.

Sodium regulates the osmotic pressure, the metabolism of fluids and proteins and is necessary to maintain proper excitability of muscles and neural cells. It is also needed for the sodium potassium pump that regulates cellular metabolism.

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Potassium is the main intercellular cation that mains the PH balance, ensures proper muscle and nerve conductivity, keeps blood pressure in check and purges the body of excess liquids.


When they come into contact with water the Coral-Mine minerals help to:

• Achieve an optimal PH level;
• Regulate the arterial blood pressure and the heart rate;
• Prevent osteoporosis and various forms of arthritis;
• Increase the elasticity of muscles and restore the structure of bones and cartilages;
• Regulate the kidneys and the digestive system;
• Improve the condition of the skin.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!!

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