CORAL MINE – The Natural source of Longevity in Okinawa Japan

The sea has been the habitat to some of the most invaluable natural resources and minerals that has been significant to our existence in the world today. However not only has the sea been our source to living, it has also proven to be the answer to a long life and healthy lifespan.

The Okinawa Islands in Japan is home to over 1.5 million habitats that have experienced an averagely better quality of life with an average life expectancy of 100 years and above. Okinawa habitats have not only been categorized as people that live longer than any where else in the world, but also they also have a low rate of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. This has been majorly as a result of the water they have been drinking over the years which is different from water found anywhere else in the world.

The coral sands found in the Okinawa sea that possesses the best of nutrients and minerals that has sustained life on earth for centuries. This discovery prompted Susumu Uehara, Founder Maine Coral Company, to find a way in making this water available to everyone, anywhere in the world. This brought about the development of the CORAL-MINE sachet bags to hold the coral sands for water consumption.

Within two decades of research, scientists discovered that small amounts of Okinawa Coral added to any liquid can have remarkable effects on the human body. Water has been proven the most important element for sustaining human life as our bodies consists of 70% of water which is the exact ratio of water that covers the earth and in this body fluids consists of the blood which is responsible for the transportation of nutrients and minerals around the body also accounts for 90% of water. However, it is rather unfortunate that our water supply consistently deteriorates as a result of the contaminants, pesticides, and pollutants from industrial discharges. The good news is that the coral mine water is capable of detoxifying contaminated water to give us the adequate pH level required for our defense system.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!!

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