Coral Nigeria Presentation at the FCT Insurance Health Scheme (FHIS)

This morning Coral Nigeria had the privilege to spread its advocacy for a healthy active lifestyle at the FCT Health Insurance Scheme (FHIS) at Central Business District, Abuja. Anchored by the facility supervisor Nwikhana Timothy, the audience were thrilled by the information and innovative products of coral club that provide an alternative approach towards a healthy lifestyle. He spoke on the aims and goals of the company in preserving the healthy body systems, reducing occurrences of genetically-linked diseases and restoring good outcomes to people with already ill-health.

The four steps to health were sequentially explained with medical-based evidences to prove their relevance in achieving a revitalized active lifestyle for people who observed them continually and routinely. Participants also got the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation and physical demonstrations were done to prove the risk that electromagnetic radiation exposes us to. Based on their conviction of what they had heard, the audience showed enthusiasm towards coral health approach by inquiring for our contact and location details and also exchanging theirs for further orientation.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself!!


  • Emmanuel Posted January 16, 2019 8:38 pm

    Commendable and exciting.

  • Lezaasi Duri Posted January 17, 2019 3:01 am

    This is awesome!!! Wow! Go Healthy! Go Coral!

  • Lezaasi Duru Posted January 17, 2019 3:14 am

    This is Awesome! Go Coral! Go Healthy!

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