Daily Delicious Beauty Shakes – The Perfect Balanced Diet for an Active Lifestyle

Our modern lifestyles are all too often lacking in what we need for increased vigor and life expectancy. Why is that?

• Negative environmental factors. The atmosphere continues to accumulate harmful emissions from transportation, energy production and industry, and our bodies are incessantly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation from all of our household gadgets, cell phones and computer hardware.

• The pace of our lives has quickened. We cut short our time for sleep and true recreation.

• People in today’s society are in a constant state of stress, from commute to daily grind. The mass media are also often the bearers of bad news.

• Harmful addictions. One cigarette burns off 25-30 mg of Vitamin C.

• We are less physically active. Our lifestyles have become more sedentary.

Our diets have changed. We never have the time to prepare food that is healthy and tasty. We scarf down our food with dry mouths. What kinds of things do we nourish ourselves with today? Our foods are dense (hamburgers, pasta, breads and pastries) and we consider that abundance is the key to healthy eating. But this is a grave misconception, as the quality of the food does not meet our bodies’ needs for nutrients.

Many of the foods we consume contain preservatives, thickening agents, artificial colors and flavor enhancers that serve only to improve their superficial appearance or taste while in no way doing the same for their quality.

While we eat fruits and vegetables every day, we still fail to reach the amounts of vitamins and minerals we truly require, because the soils we farm today are, like the atmosphere, polluted and depleted. Even more nutrients are lost during transport.

  • On top of that, store-bought “fresh” vegetables, fruits and herbs are often treated to increase their shelf life, but that can lead to a significant reduction in their nutritional value.
  • We often use low-fiber, highly refined ingredients in our kitchens. Doesn’t everyone know that nutrients are found in their highest concentrations in peels, skins, bran and germ, everything we so often treat as food waste.
  • Moreover, most plant-based nutrients are lost when high-temperature cooking methods are used.
  • As a result of the use of hormones and antibiotics in the livestock and poultry farming industries, and growth agents in crop farming, we end up with groceries that are depleted of nutrients, and moreover, which cause harm to health.

As a result, an abundance of carbohydrates, fats, calories, and a deficit in fiber, protein and nearly all vitamins and many minerals.

Scientific research confirms that even in highly developed countries, the majority of people who eat vegetables and fruit several times a day still suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Residents of the U.S.A., Germany, France and the U.K. only consume 30% of the nutrients their bodies require on a daily basis.

What can be done about the fact that our food does not provide us with all of the life-giving vitamins and minerals our bodies need?

For example, let’s look at how Japan has managed to change the situation. The Land of the Rising sun is a perfect example of the local attentive attitude toward maintaining their fellow citizens’ health. Did you know that there are over 50,000 centenarians living in Japan?

At first glance, Japanese medicine appears very strange to us. It is not uncommon for a doctor to prescribe a daily 40-minute walk around the park. Japanese are very obedient, and will always strictly follow all instructions.

So what is the secret behind the greater longevity enjoyed by the Japanese?

► First of all, they maintain a stable and complete diet and sufficient physical activity.

► Secondly, they undergo regular medical check-ups.

► Thirdly, the country’s national health insurance program, which has succeed in raising the quality of life and has propelled Japan to its record health and longevity indicators.
The decision was made 50 years ago to adjust dietary recommendations with the help of biologically active supplements. Currently, 90% of Japan’s residents take nutritional supplements on a daily basis. Even job application forms contain questions about which supplements the person is taking. It helps to gain a better picture of how much responsibility the applicant is taking for their health and how diligent the person is overall. Japanese companies always value healthy staff that are full of energy and share a like mind with their team.
As a result of this approach to supplements, Japanese tend to look younger than their age and remain physically active.

Dietary supplementation and meal replacement prevalence around the world:
Japan – 90% of the population

U.S.A. – 70% of the population
Europe – 50% of the population

In Russia, only around 3% of the population take BAS, and that number is 3-8% in other CIS countries.

Our daily routine is split between not enough time and constantly busy.

Don’t you agree?

As a result, we become much more picky when it comes to our food!

In order for it to meet the demands of modern society, food must be:

  • Quick: it has to allow us to save time, both during preparation and when we eat it
  • Nutritious
  • Healthy
  • Safe
  • Need we mention the taste?

Getting all of those things from one meal seems like a pipe dream.

Practice, along with the food cultures now prevalent in Europe, Japan and the U.S.A., show that combining all of these features in your diet is indeed feasible.

Let’s find out how!

The Daily Delicious line of nutritious health products also includes Beauty Shake – beautiful never tasted so good.

It is no secret that things that taste good are usually not good for you and those things that are healthy are often lacking in good flavor.

After a year and a half of development, a new product was created that meets the most stringent criteria of taste and nutritional value.

Not only is our Daily Delicious product line healthy, it is truly delicious! This balanced source of animal and plant protein in combination with collagen and a vitamin and mineral complex support vitality and physical activity, strengthening you with the energy you need every day.

The shakes are free of GMOs and ingredients derived from them.

What makes our product unique is its ingredient list:

1. A balanced protein formula made of three of the most nutritious forms of protein: milk protein, whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate.

2. Vitamins and minerals selected to care for your skin, hair and nails.

3. The super-ingredient peptide collagen, a veritable elixir of youth. Protein shakes containing collagen are highly popular in Japan.

4. Natural flavor! Three of the most delicious and popular flavors ever, whether in combination or individually.

The product’s high quality comes from its components:

  • High-quality, premium-priced whey protein
  • Only natural vanilla, raspberry and chocolate flavors
  • The natural sweetener erythritol

Protein based

The base for Daily Delicious Beauty Shake is made of a balanced formula composed of 3 of the most effective sources of protein: milk protein, whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate.

What do proteins do for our body? Here are some of their main functions:

  • Practically all tissues use proteins as their primary construction materials. They are part of the blood, muscles, hair, nails, skin and internal organs. Protein-rich foods are a top choice of athletes, because they make it possible to quickly and effectively build muscle mass.
  • Proteins help deliver nutrients and other health-supporting compounds to the cells. Without them, this transportation would be impossible. Protein molecules play a vital role in strengthening the immune system and building new immune cells.
  • Proteins are among some of the most important enzymes that speed up a number of important biochemical reactions that occur in the body. Without enough protein, the metabolism slows down, quickly leading to weight gain. Because of this, protein products are an important part of many weight-loss diets.
  • Proteins slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. This reduces the total glycemic index of the food being eaten, and makes it possible to maintain sufficient blood sugar levels without significant jumps in insulin production. This makes it far easier to overcome feelings of hunger and control one’s weight.

Milk protein – an essential element of diet.

Cells and tissues of the body are formed only from dietary protein. Proteins contribute to key body functions and it is very important continuously add to your diet foods that contain protein. Especially immediately after a full night of sleep or a tiring workout, the body has little to no protein available to rebuild tissue, we need to ensure that the body has an adequate supply.

The protein used in Daily Delicious is prepared from fresh milk and contains up to 93% pure protein. Of all the animal protein milk protein is considered one of the best along with the egg white. First of all, milk protein has a high nutritional value. It is much more readily absorbed by the body than meat protein or even fish protein.

Secondly, as opposed to proteins extracted from plants, milk protein contains all of the essential amino acids.

Whey Protein Concentrate – another useful food product which is made from whey.

Whey protein concentrate is highly nutritious and contains up to 81% pure protein. It is unique in how easy it is to digest and how quickly the amino acids are absorbed by muscle cells.

So called “bricks” of the whey protein help to restore our tissue after injuries and sprains. After surgeries our bodies especially need a good portion of the easily digestible protein, because the new muscle fibers would not be able to form if the body does not get enough amino acids.

Soy protein isolate is a food product that is not only rapidly absorbed, but contains up to 90% vegetable protein. The production process involves treating the soy isolate to remove all residual oils, carbohydrates, isoflavinoids and other substances, leaving you with pure soy protein. 

Therefore, among all vegetable proteins, soy isolate is considered to be the most healthy one.

Nutritionists recommend soy isolate to people whose bodies have difficulty to digest casein protein or unable to tolerate lactose.

In addition, soy protein is preferred by those who are actively involved in sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. This product is also very useful to people who want to lose weight and is in search of a decent alternative to traditional products containing natural protein. Soy protein is perfect for vegetarians who can use it as a substitute for the heavy meat.

Soy isolate is rich in many essential and nonessential amino acids, it combines perfectly with milk protein. Together they help to qualitatively enrich the diet of older people and people with poor health, compensate for the deficiency of complete protein and improve overall health.

The shake contains 11 nutrients (vitamins and minerals) of the finest quality, each of which is intended to provide daily care for your health and beauty. Their combined effect helps to keep your skin elastic and firm, your hair lustrous and your nails strong.

4-Aminobenzoic acid (В10)

  • Protects the skin from the effects of the sun
  • Normalizes melanin production in the skin
  • Prevents and reduces the appearance of moles and freckles 

Vitamin А

  • Prevents the formation of stretch marks and acne
  • Nourishes the skin, evens facial skin tone

Vitamin С

  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Strengthens blood vessel walls
  • Increases skin elasticity

Niacin (РР)

  • Possesses a regenerating effect
  • Protects against dermatological conditions
  • Prevents hair loss

Vitamin E

  • Strong antioxidant
  • Participates in skin regeneration
  • Makes skin firm, yet elastic

Pantothenic acid (В5)

  • Strengthens the hair and nails
  • Slows down skin aging processes
  • Makes hair silky

Folic acid (В9)

  • Essential for healthy hair growth
  • Keeps skin looking healthy

Biotin (Н)

  • Helps hair retain moisture
  • Stops nails from splitting and chipping
  • Strengthens the inner skin layers

Magnesium (Mg)

  • Smoothes out wrinkles
  • Strengthens fingernails
  • Responsible for elastin production

Selenium (Se)

  • Slows down skin aging processes
  • Prevents dandruff

Copper (Cu)

  • Helps in the production of elastin
  • Protects from hair loss

Daily Delicious Beauty Shakes have only natural flavor!

After a year and a half of development, we have created a unique product with natural and airy flavor.

3 of the most popular flavors in the world:  

Vanilla (The subtle flavor of soft ice cream with a hint of sweet spice is sure to please.

Raspberry (The sumptuous flavor of raspberry with its characteristic tang will delight both young and old).

Chocolate (The delicate flavor of chocolate will bring you back to your childhood, while the undertone of vanilla ice cream makes this shake the perfect light dessert).

Amazingly sweet, but not harmful for the body!

It was possible to create pleasing and nourishing dessert that can be added to your diet as a meal replacement! It is truly unique.

The optimal solution for preparation of protein cocktails and more. The Smartshaker is a universal device for preparation of a variety of blends. For example, our protein Beauty Shake or Colo-vada mix, which is well known for its difficulty to dissolve. You can even use the Smartshaker to make an egg omelet!

All it takes is a couple of minutes, a shaker and some milk to prepare the Daily Delicious Beauty Shake.

Add one scoop of shake mix to milk, shake it well and it is ready!

The Smartshaker is quick and easy to use. It is compact and light; take it with you anywhere you go. The stylishly designed bottle has a flip cap and spout that make for convenient pouring or drinking.

CCI’s Smartshaker is made of high-quality BPA-free plastic that makes it perfectly safe to use and wash. Made of surgical-grade stainless steel, the wire whisk is designed to mix any cocktails, or other blends, faster and better than regular bottles with strainers.

We are proud that our shakers:

  • are made of high-quality BPA-free plastic
  • have leak proof screw-on cap
  • have snap-on lid
  • have easy-to-fill wide opening
  • have wire whisk ball from surgical-grade stainless steel
  • have measuring scale on the side of the bottle    
  • come in two perfect sizes – 400 mL and 600 mL

Smartshaker form Coral Club – no more clumps!

A slim, firm body with developed musculature is always beautiful. But not everyone is able to get the chiseled look they want on a normal amount of food. In combination with weight training, Daily Delicious helps to increase muscle volume by bathing cells in the nutrients they need to grow.

You will feel a burst of energy that will allow you to surmount even greater physical challenges and your muscle fibers will recover more quickly after intense workouts.

Daily Delicious should act as an addition source of protein together with a regular meal, as well as 20 minutes before the start of a workout or within the hour following one.

The modern pace of life often leaves us without the time to eat a complete diet. Some say that we have to eat 5 times a day, others say that 3 meals a day is enough. With Daily Delicious, you can stay on the go and remain healthy and full of life. Daily Delicious Beauty shakes provides you with a whole range of nutrients that will help your body’s proper function.

The combination of plant- and animal-based proteins will keep you feeling full (thanks to the different rates of digestion of each kind of protein). A shake a day will fill you with energy, beauty and overall vitality.

DDBS  are perfect for those who:Value their time

  • Value their time
  • Like everything delicious and natural
  • Eat right
  • Take a good care of themselves
  • Like sports and outdoor activities

Also, it is good for:

  • Athletes
  • Those who tire quickly or are under stress
  • People with digestive problems
  • During recovering after surgeries or injuries
  • People with an eye on their weight
  • People who care about the appearance of their skin, hair and nails
  • Elder people

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

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