Daily Delicious Hi-Fiber: A balanced source of dietary fiber with a pronounced berry flavor

Fiber is a substance found in plants. Dietary fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, grains etc. Eating fiber is an important part of a healthy diet plan.

Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate. However, fiber plays an essential role in your digestive, heart, and skin health, and may improve blood sugar control, weight management, and more.

Getting enough fiber is important for overall health and disease prevention. And it keeps your plumbing in good working order.

Fibers are components of plant foods, fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds — any food that is classified as a plant. Insoluble fiber cannot dissolve in water and is made up from substances that offer rigidity to plant material, but soluble fiber can dissolve in water which allows it to form a gel. Most plant-based foods, even seaweed contain both types in varying amounts.

Consuming food, deficient in fiber, can give rise to many problems, which could have been avoided.

Generally, processed foods are mostly “empty calories” without nutrients.
Eating processed foods can lead to people eating more than the recommended amounts of sugar, salt and fat as they may not be aware of how much has been added to the food they are buying and eating.

Manufacturers in the food industry use all these food additives to make their food delicious (but not healthy!). Processed food is literally engineered to be addictive. Compared to processed foods, natural food can seem tasteless.

That is one reason why people overeat.

We often eat processed and refined foods and much less fresh vegetables and fruits, because it’s easy to get fooled by packaged foods that sound more nutritious than they actually are. 

The result is predictable and obvious – deficiency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients which can lead to an increase in weight, higher levels of cholesterol, digestion problems, problems with metabolism and toxic build-up.

You are not addicted to fast food? For a life of health and wellness, it is simply not enough to eat a healthy diet.

There still can be a lack of dietary fiber in your body!

Let’s look at the reasons.

1. According to Canada’s Food Guide, 7-8 servings of fruits and veggies a day is recommended for adults. On average, we eat only one serving of fruits and vegetables a day; some people do not eat fruits and vegetables at all.

2. At different times of the year, fresh produce may not always be available.

3. Some people prefer to peel fruits and vegetables: some are confused by the fact that the peel contains harmful substances, others don’t like its harsh rind. Meanwhile, it contains fiber needed for normal digestion.

4. Cereals and grains are a good source of dietary fiber. Some people, who have no time to cook, prefer to eat instant cereals. But usually, “instant” means that this product went through industrial processing where beneficial properties and dietary fiber of the product were lost.

5. Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios) contain a large amount of dietary fiber, though they are very caloric Same with dried fruits which contain not just fiber and vitamins, but also sugar. It is easy to overeat dried fruits due to the fact that they are sweet.

Some diets can lead to fiber deficiency.

For instance, fans of high protein diets (Ducan and Atkins diets, as examples) don’t eat fruits at all, but they eat a lot of fish and meat which have no fiber. The concern with eating meat all the time is that it may leave you with a heavy stomach, and irregular bowel movement, which leads to undigested food in the body.

This type of diet can lead to headaches and fatigue, skin problems and constipation.

Some seniors find it difficult to chew fruits and vegetables because of dental problems, so it can lead to a fiber deficiency in the body.

As the body ages, changes in the gastrointestinal tract occur, that reduces the absorption of nutrients and slows down intestinal motility. Malabsorption, nutrient deficiency and constipation are relatively common health problems that affect elderly people of both genders.

Even people who did not experience any digestive problems in their youth, find it necessary to turn to supplements like probiotics and laxatives in old age.

Your diet may be lacking an important nutrient for your health: dietary fiber (daily value – 25 g per day). The goal is to get 100% of the Daily Value for dietary fiber on most days.

Fiber also plays a vital role in improving the effectiveness of the gastrointestinal system, it helps to remove heavy metals, toxins and slags because their buildup in the body can lead to various health problems.

Scientists from Europe, USA and Canada have known that a fiber-rich diet is useful for maintaining weight.

Fiber-rich foods not only fill you up faster and keep you satisfied longer, they also prevent your body from absorbing some of the calories in the foods you eat. That’s why regular intake of fiber will help to maintain you body weight and improve your body health.

It is also very important to drink enough water!

There is no doubt that fiber is a vital part of proper nutrition.

Daily Delicious Hi-Fiber is a balanced source of dietary fiber with a pronounced berry flavor.

Hi-Fiber is a balanced combination of different fiber types and active components that supply our body with enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Product uniqueness: it contains Aloe Vera gel and Glutamine, which are effective in restoring and normalizing intestinal functions.


Soluble fiber(Apple fiber and apple pectin, guar gum, gum arabic, inulin, glucomannan) forms a jelly-like mass that absorbs a large amount of water, protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, facilitates the removal of toxins and slags from the body. Moreover, it gives you a feel of fullness that helps to prevent overeating.*

Insoluble fiber(Cellulose, rice bran) activates laxation, accelerates digestion. Improves metabolism and facilitates assimilation of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

GlutamineIs conditionally essential amino acid, which enables protein production and is necessary for sustaining bowel action, especially when the mucous membrane is damaged.*

Aloe Vera Gel protects the stomach from irritation, improves digestion and gastrointestinal tract function. Serves to normalize digestive tract function, protect gastrointestinal mucosa, and improves the absorption of nutrients from food.


Apple fiber, Inulin, Guar gum, Gum arabic, Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Rice bran, L-glutamine 200 mg, Plum fruit powder, Glucomannan, Pinapple fruit powder, Blueberry fruit powder, Acai berry extract, Apple pectin, Aloe Vera gel 30 mg; other ingredients

  • The product helps to maintain a healthy microflora balance in the intestine.
  • It helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Helps to control weight.
  • Mix one leveled measuring spoon (9 g) of powder with 5 fl. oz. (150 ml) of water. Drink immediately. An additional glass of water is helpful. Consume up to 2 servings per day.

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

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