Daily Delicious Ripe Tomato & Broccoli Soup

Daily Delicious Ripe Tomato & Broccoli Soup is a natural source of protein and dietary fiber, which can be quickly and easily cooked in a couple of minutes. In one portion contains only 110 kcal.

The main components


Contain potassium, which supports heart health as well as calcium and magnesium, contributing to the preservation of bone density. They have the iron needed to prevent anemia, zinc to improve skin and hair, and phosphorus. Tomatoes help to maintain youth and beauty, providing the body with vitamins A, E and C. But most importantly, they are rich in lycopene – a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent many health problems.


Broccoli is one of the most delicious types of cabbage and a veritable storehouse of valuable nutrients at a low caloric content. They rich in calcium, which is the same as in milk, as well as potassium, iron, folate and occasional vitamin K, essential for normal blood formation. Of broccoli secrete a substance sulforaphane, which studies show helps to support the health of breast, uterus and colon. Protein broccoli is nutritionally comparable to egg and even meat. It is also high in fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body.

Proteins of carob and sunflower

Two types of plant protein, perfect for vegetarians. Both are rich in amino acid composition, high nutritional value and relatively low calorie. Easily and quickly absorbed by the body and give the soup a nice nutty flavor.


  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Corn maltodextrin (thickener)
  • Flour from the seeds of the carob tree
  • The protein of sunflower seeds
  • Sugar
  • Guar gum (thickener)
  • Iodized salt
  • The natural dye from the juice of the edible beets
  • Potato starch
  • Leeks
  • Broccoli
  • A mixture of spices (oregano, Basil, parsley)
  • Flavouring (contains celery)
  • Black pepper

Who needs the Daily Delicious soup:

  • Adolescents, students;
  • To old people;
  • Athletes;
  • Vegetarians;
  • Caring about the figure;
  • People working in hazardous production;
  • Supporters of healthy active life.


2 measuring spoons (35 grams) of dry mix add 210 ml of boiling water and mix thoroughly. After 2 minutes the soup is ready to eat.

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