Free Radicals and its Intoxication

 Our bodies are comprised of billions of molecular cells held together by electronic bonds. Sometimes these molecules are held together by a weak bond and can split apart resulting in an unstable molecule with an unpaired electron. This molecule is known as a free radical.

Some free radicals occur normally in our bodies through metabolism. However there are many environmental factors that can cause an excess of free radicals such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides and in addition stress, lack of exercise and lack of sleep. These free radicals will start attacking healthy nearby cells in an attempt to replace their missing electrons. When the attacked molecule loses its electron it becomes a free radical itself. This could cause a chain reaction to occur resulting in the destruction of millions of nearby molecules.

This chain reaction is known as Oxidative Stress and many experts agree that oxidative stress is starting to be the leading causes for such things as Arthritis, Premature Aging, Edema & Leg Swelling, Artery Hardening and even an increase in susceptibility to cancers. We can see the result of this oxidation in our everyday environment such as a rusting piece of metal that has been exposed to air.  Same happens to the apple when you cut it open exposed to air, in a very short period of time you will see the surface beginning to turn brown and that’s how quickly oxidation process occurs. We can imagine what this means when it happens to our body. It is literally decaying healthy cells.

So how do we protect ourselves from these free radicals that are wreaking havoc in our bodies? If the destructive process in our body is known as oxidation then the answer is Anti-oxidation – the opposite of oxidation and this is achieved with anti-oxidants like a negatively – charged water. Anti-oxidants stop the chain reaction by donating one of their own electrons to the free radicals.

Be Coral. Be Smart. Be Yourself!!!


  • Madubuko chinwe U. Posted January 15, 2019 7:44 am

    This is exhaustive, simple and on point. Thank you!

    • Timothy Khana Posted January 15, 2019 8:58 am

      Thank you very much. A healthy consciousness is our goal for Africa.

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