H-500 – The Best Anti-Oxidant Water in the World

H-500 – The Best Anti-Oxidant Water in the World

H-500 is the latest breakthrough in antioxidant power. Providing protection from free radicals this product helps to restore the body’s functionality. For the best result it is recommended to dissolve the content of a capsule in a glass of non-carbonated water. Thanks to H-500 you will forget about the problem of premature aging and feeling of unwell-being.

H-500 is the source of vital force, endurance, physical and mental capacity for work.

H-500 enhances endurance during any physical activities, sport exercises and hard work. Both the buildup of lactic acids and consequent recovery times will be greatly reduced when using H-500. With such positive effect the product can be recommended to people doing intellectual or laborious jobs, sportsmen and activity-lovers as it helps to endure overwork, to ease-up overstrain, to increase muscles tone and elasticity.

This product increases the body’s energy potential by stimulating the production of cell energy, which is formed by breaking up of protein and carbohydrate food. This is very important for your overall health, normal physical and mental functionality. This product improves metabolism and helps to resist many unfavourable factors.

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H-500 prevents oxidation of healthy cells and restores favourable alkaline environment contributing to improvement of cells nutrition and metabolism.

H-500 is:

• the source of vital force,
• endurance,
• physical
• mental capacity for work.

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