Introduction Video Coral Health 2019

Welcome to 4 Steps to Health

CORAL Nigeria in this year 2019 is responding to the high mortality rate in Africa (with average lifespan of 45 years) when compared to the rest of world.

The founder of CORAL Nigeria – Dr. OZURIGBO CHIMAOBI (foreign trained Nigerian Physician, Traumatologist and Cellular Health Specialist) along with over 1,700 health advocates from America and Europe has introduced this new perspective of Integrative Cellular Medicine (branch of Complementary Medicine) called CORAL HEALTH (#4Steps2Health) as a
way of lifespan prolongation in Nigeria and Africa beyond.

The reasons for the introduction of these four (4) sequential steps are as follows:

(a) To appreciate God’s creation of our perfect image (perfect foundation of the human body called CELLS)

(b) To preserve healthy state of body organs and systems.

(c) To limit occurrences of most genetically-linked issues.

(d) To restore good prognostic outcome to people with already damaged ill-state.

(e) To encourage medical doctors to not only focus on curative orthodox practice (i.e. Organ approach) but in addition combine preventive integrative practice (i.e. Cellular approach).

The fact that diseases may arise and the available doctor will always know how to cure but oftentimes we are disappointed, finding ourselves at a dead end. It is time to know ways to preserving our health via these four steps.


  • Timothy Khana Posted January 4, 2019 5:18 pm

    This is a wonderful piece

  • Tracycoralnigeria Posted January 5, 2019 12:42 pm

    This is extremely wonderful 4steps to health is the way to a good health its better u know your health the earlier the better.

  • Nicole Posted January 5, 2019 2:30 pm

    Thank you doctor for this great information

  • Nicole Posted January 5, 2019 2:32 pm

    Wonderful information doctor

  • Martin Agbarakwe Posted January 5, 2019 7:32 pm

    Great expose’. Wow Coral Club. Health and Wealth. Great concept.

  • Oksana Posted January 8, 2019 8:18 pm

    It is very important. Health should be thought of 5 years before the illness, and not 5 minutes before resuscitation. Traditional medicine can save your life, but it will not make you healthy. Health needs to be addressed independently and the Coral Club shows the way to health and longevity. The concept of health is your chance to change the quality of your life.

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