Microhydrin – Water for the Heart

Microhydrin – Water for the Heart

Microhydrin is a powerful antioxidant that suppresses free radicals protecting the body even from the most aggressive of them. It increases endurance, vitality, immunity, slows down ageing and energizes the body.

Microhydrin increases endurance during physical exertions. Just one week Microhydrin will reduce level of mil acid by up to 24%, purging it from the muscles and helping them recuperate faster. It relieves pain, and improves the elasticity and tone of the muscle tissue allowing athletes to better endure exertions and making this product very popular among them.

Supplying the body with the most powerful antioxidants, Microhydrin increases cell energy production in mitochondria when proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down. The electrons generated in this process are taken to all cells and take part in cell respiration, restoring the active ATF-NADF form and increasing the energy potential of the body. It’s very important as sufficient energy is needed for both mental and physical activity. The product also improves regeneration of damaged tissues and organs and is extremely important in combating pathogens.

Actively suppressing free radicals, Microhydrin prevents the oxidation of healthy cells and restores a favorable pH balance in the body, saturating the blood with oxygen, which improves metabolism.

The product also improves the biological properties of the intercellular liquid, increasing the hydration of cells, which allows them to better absorb nutrients.

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