MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) –

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) –

MSM-based product bioavailable organic sulfur in combination with vitamin beauty biotin and vitamin C. This product is extremely important for the preservation of beauty, juvenility, active and most importantly, mobile life.


  • Improves skin, hair and nails;
  • Supports health of joints and cartilage;
  • A product that is based on a bioavailable form of organosulfur in a complex with biotin (the beauty vitamin) and vitamin C;
  • Contributes to synthesis of connective tissue proteins;
  • It provides antioxidant protection.

And is the custodian of your natural beauty!

The action of the active ingredients

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a source of a bioavailable form of organosulfur. Sulfur is a structural component of the main biomolecules: proteins, including proteins of the immune system, enzymes and hormones. Sulfur is a part of keratin, which is a key structural component of the skin, hair and nails. It is also sulfur that takes part in the formation of the main proteins of connective tissue (collagen and elastin).

Sulfur (MSM) is necessary for the formation of the basic structural proteins used in the formation of connective tissues; collagen and keratin. Collagen keeps the joints elastic and mobile. It’s found in cartilages, tendons, ligaments, bones, and the skin. Keratin is responsible for the health of the hair, nails, and the skin. It’s been established that MSM is especially effective in people with an impaired muscle and skeleton function.

In addition to that, sulfur is also found in immune proteins (antibodies. Cytokines), some hormones (insulin), enzymes, antithrombin III (blood clotting inhibitor), and glutathione (an antioxidant).

Organic sulfur supplements help not only to normalize the synthesis of insulin but also stabilize the blood sugar level and protein structure. On top of that organic sulfur increases the permeability of cell membranes, which improves the intake of nutrients and stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. The availability of vitamin C and other antioxidants is also increased.

Vitamin C improves the permeability of capillaries, stimulates the function of the cells synthesizing collagen, participates in the synthesis of adrenal and thyroid hormones, helps absorb iron, and normalize blood regeneration. It also helps protect the body from the consequences of stress.

Biotin is a vitamin of youthfulness and beauty that helps to maintain optimal amounts of keratin in the body, improves hair and skin, prevents early ageing and strengthens nails. It helps to normalize the functioning of oil glands.

Vitamin C is essential for synthesis of collagen and elastin. It helps to prevent premature ageing and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin C improves the permeability of capillaries, stimulates the function of the cells synthesizing collagen, participates in the synthesis of adrenal and thyroid hormones, helps absorb iron, and normalize blood regeneration. It also helps protect the body from the consequences of stress.


Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 750 mg, Vitamin C 50 mg, Biotin 50 mcg.


1 capsule 2 times a day with meals.

Be Smart. Be CORAL. Be Yourself!!!

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