Prostate Care – PhytoMix for Men

The prostate plays a major role in a man’s reproductive capability. The prostate gland is located below the bladder, surrounding the upper part of the urethra.

Ancient Greeks called the prostate the “second heart” due to its importance in the organism. This is not surprising as the prostate gland’s vascular system accounts for about 50% of all blood volume supplying the pelvic organs. In a state of sexual arousal, this amounts increases to 80%.

The prostate is involved in the processes of semen production, ejaculation and urine retention.

Men begin to experience problems with the prostate as they age. Risk of developing a prostate problem is more common for men over 40.

Symptoms of prostate problems:

  • Urinary problems (frequent urge to urinate, a weak or slow urinary stream)
  • Burning with urination and feeling of incomplere bladder emptying
  • Urethal discharge and frequent pain or stiffness in lower back and pelvic area
  • Sexual dysfunction and disorders (lack of sexual desire, difficulty getting/keeping an erection, premature or delayed ejaculation)
  • Irritability, weakness and fatigue

Why these problems occur?

Prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland is a very common male problem. When the problem occurs, the prostate gland gets bigger and squeezes the urethra, which prevents normal urine stream. For this reason the above mentioned urination problems arise. Prostate disorders are very common. For example, according to WHO, urologists diagnose every tenth patient with chronic prostatitis. Despite this, many men do not pay attention to worrying symptoms, hoping that everything will somehow get better. Unfortunately, everything often comes out of the opposite: instead of ‘dissolving’, the problem aggravates, and then serious medical intervention is inevitable.

The unwillingness to visit doctors to just be checked is a typical male problem, which is difficult to deal with. It is not necessary to wait for the appearance of first symptoms, it is better to take care of men’s health in advance. Especially it is very importnant for those who have or had cases of prostate disorders in the family.

Here are some factors that can lead to many issues in men’s health:

Age: Men with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) have a larger-than-normal prostate. Some 9 in 10 men will have it by the time they’re in their 80s.

Sedentary Lifestyle: Even if you’re at a healthy weight, your blood sugar levels can rise if you’re packed in a chair for too long. Your inactive behavior can lead to many health problems (office job + car + inactive lifestyle = risk factors), and that might be setting yourself up for health issues down the road.

Heredity Influences whether a person will develop a health condition.

Unbalanced diet, smoking and consuming alcohol: Avoiding smoking, not abusing drugs and alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight and diet, and exercising help people function well and to avoid disorders.

Overweight: men have an increased risk of prostate issues compared to men with a normal weight.

Hypothemia: Ice fishing, snowboarding, skiing and other winter sports, as well as working in severe cold can cause men’s problems.

High blood sugar level: has several effects on blood flow and can damage blood vessels and nerves. Poorly managed blood sugar level can lead to some prostate conditions, such as enlarged prostate, also called BPH.

PhotoMix for Men

  • Reduces the risk of prostate disorders
  • Fights inflammation
  • Helps to relieve urinary problems
  • Helps to preserve youth attractiveness and quality of life.

One of the most important components of PhytoMix for Men is an extract of African plum that is obtained from the bark of Pygeum africanum (Pygeum) tree. Pygeum has recently been widely used in European medicine as an adjunct to the treatment of prostatitis.

Lycopene is the most important carotenoid for health, one of the most predominant in human plasma and tissues. The main source of lycopene in the diet is tomatoes (which was consumed by Aztecs and later Europeans for its anti-aging and aphrodisiac properties). Lycopene is not synthesized in the body and must be regularly obtained from food. Low level of lycopene in tissues can be an indicator of increased risk of serious cardiovascular, breast, lung, colon & prostate disorder.

Rosemary is a plant with high content of nutrients, including essential oil which is rich in active ingredients and minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and others). Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which has powerful antioxidant activity.

Pumpkin seed oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. It is applied for strengthening of men’s health. Another useful property of pumpkin seed oil is its positive effect on hair. During the clinical study 76 men received 400 mg of pumpkin seed oil per day for 24 weeks (this amount is contained in 1 capsule of PhytoMix).

Be Smart. Be Coral. Be Yourself.

1 Comment

  • Nicole Posted January 25, 2019 8:24 pm

    Prevention is better than cure.Living an organic life is always the best option

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