#ThrowbackThursday: Coral Nigeria is taking over!

Hi Coral Family. It’s throwback Thursday again! Today we share Dr. & Dr. (Mrs.) C.O. Ozurigbo speech on stage at the Moscow Forum in 2016 to remind you of our set goals and objectives to being the NUMBER 1 country in Coral Club! We are still working towards achieving this and we haven’t given up at all.

We also want to use this opportunity to thank everyone that has been working effortlessly and tirelessly for the progress of our advocacy both home and abroad. Your pictures, videos, presentations, marketing, testimonies etc. have contributed invaluable additions to the longevity advocacy we plan to achieve in Africa.

As Dr. Chimaobi spoke in the video above, everything concerning his motivation towards embracing CORAL health concept and spreading this advocacy to his continent Africa still remains till today. CORAL Nigeria will be the first subsidiary company of CORAL Club to establish multiple Star Executives within a short period on time and this is what we are working towards because WE ARE SMART, WE ARE CORAL and WE ARE BEING OURSELVES.

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