Ultimate – The Ultimate Balance for Vitamins and Minerals

Ultimate – The Ultimate Balance for Vitamins and Minerals

Ultimate is a perfectly balanced set of vitamins, minerals and herbal components, which can compensate for the lack of nutrients, prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, and normalize the function of vital organs and systems.

Vitamins A, E and C are antioxidants that boost the body’s resistance to infection, improve metabolism, and slow down ageing.

Vitamin D and calcium accelerate the phosphorous-calcium metabolism, promote growth and restoration of bone tissue, and prevent rickets and osteoporosis.

Group B vitamins are found in the enzymes that participate in cellular respiration and protein metabolism, regulate the function of the central nervous system and the functions of the digestive tract, improve blood circulation, and boost concentration and memory. Chroline improves the operation of the central nervous system as a whole and the memory function in particular, it also participates in protein synthesis and lipid transport.

Zinc boosts the body’s immunity and positively impacts th metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. It is also necessary for the normal development and functioning of sex galnds and has a positive contributory effect in the treatment of skin diseases.

Iron participates in tissue respiration, saturating organs and tissues with oxygen to boost the synthesis of red blood cells.

Iodine is importantr for the proper function of the thyroid gland. it also activates a number of enzymes and reduces the viscosity of the blood. Iodine deficiency may contribute to the development of endemic goiter and reduced mental capacity.

Selenium has an antioxidant effect and purges toxins, preventing the heart muscles from being damaged by heavy metals.

Cayenne pepper, chamomile flowers, rose hips, and bearberry leaves improve appetite and digestion, normalize metabolism, reduce spasms, and promote bile secretion.

Ultimate contains all the necessary components to optimize the function the function of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, blood circulation and the digestive systems, while also improving the condition of hair and skin.


  • Regulate the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body
  • Normalize the function of the digestive
  • Prevent the development of osteoporosis
  • Increase tone and vitality

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