Water is Life – Contributions from our Coral Nigeria Directors in Owerri Facility.

Today our Coral Nigeria directors from Owerri, Imo State facility share their advocacy for a healthy lifestyle by elaborating on the essence of water to our cells that form the foundations of our human system and how our product, H-500 can achieve that optimum environment for our cell functioning.

Mr. Felix Mbalu spoke on the H-500, a powerful antioxidant water that help to fight against free radicals that affect the performance of our cells in keeping a healthy system. The H-500 helps to:

  • Purify drinking water
  • Ease stress
  • Improve Mental Focus
  • Give energy and Body Stamina (Athlete’s Choice)
  • Maintain Good Metabolism

While Mr. Chikere Clinton spoke on how each of the 12 body systems help to contribute 10 years to our life span based on Cellular Approach. He identified the different body fluids that form the habitat for the cells and how the natural millivolt (-60 mV) charge of these fluids must be maintained by drinking water with like charges (-60mv and above) which the H-500 provides. This is true because unlike other pure sciences, in the medical practice, like charges attract to achieve a positive outcome.

Be Smart. Be coral. Be Yourself

1 Comment

  • Madubuko chinwe U. Posted January 25, 2019 5:06 am

    Kudos Clinton. You did well.

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